How did your homeschool year go?
At the beginning of the year you probably set out your weekly, monthly and termly plans. You purchased the books and printed your checklists.
We can be very tempted to measure our year's successes based on how many books were read, maths books completed and facts memorised. If curve balls have happened, new babies welcomed, home renovations done or challenges faced, sometimes we do not meet our beginning of the year goals. Does this mean we failed?
Definitely not. That is only one measure that we should use to gauge success of our year. Here are some more holistic questions you can ask to determine your homeschool successes this year.
Did my children grow physically?
*What can they do now that they couldn’t do at the beginning of the year?
*What more do they know about themselves at the close of 2023?
*Do they have a deeper appreciation for their bodies as created by God?
Did my child grow intellectually?
*What relationships have they made with knowledge?
*What new ideas have been sown into their minds?
*What connections and interests have they pursued this year?
Did my child grow morally?
*Have they learnt to love and serve their family more?
*Do they show (even small buds) of the fruits of kindness and generosity?
*Are they making the best choices for their lives at this stage?
Did my child grow spiritually this year?
*Did my child grow in relationship to God this year?
*Did they grow in prayer and faith and trust?
*Do they seek to honour and obey you more as the Bible instructs?
Don't beat yourself up with "We didn't do enough", instead, change your perspective. Change the way you measure by looking at the bigger picture. What did the interruptions and upheavals teach you and your children about life, about family and about relationships? Those lessons are priceless.
You can't get enough of them!
We wish you and your family a blessed festive season.
Shirley and Wendy