Subject: 7 Skills Schools Don’t Teach Children. You can.

Hi there,

We've switched our Footprints newsletter to a much simpler look and feel this month. We'll see how that goes. You are welcome to send your feedback.

We recently published a blog post about things that schools don't teach, but that we should teach our children.

7 Skills Schools Don’t Teach Children

In this day and age we need to ask, “What should we be doing in our homeschools to prepare our children for real life?”

We know that getting a good matric, studying at university or college and then climbing the corporate ladder for the next 40 years is no longer the expected pattern for most school leavers. This doesn’t mean to say that some will not choose this route, but the trend towards internships, apprenticeships and entrepreneurship is gaining traction and jobs no longer last a lifetime!

So while you continue to offer your children a rich and broad education at home with the discipline subjects going layer for layer and their discretionary studies developing their interests and relationship with knowledge, here are some other things we think are important to teach – which you are in the perfect position to do at home with them...

Read the article online

To help you find the balance

We know that trying to cover all the bases in our homeschooling is a real struggle we all face daily.

There's a snarky meme on social media that describes how some days homeschoolers get all the school work done and the house is clean, and other days, they stay in pyjamas and the house is a mess!

Every day is not a perfect day!

Wendy and Shirley will be presenting a webinar on finding the balance between discipline in life and freedom in learning.

We will help you work on attitudes (yours and the kids'), build your confidence and make sure you prepare your children for success as young adults. Don't miss out!

Date: 30 June
Time: 7.30-8.30pm
Price: R50 per person

Sign up at Quicket

We'd love to hear what other topics you'd be interested in for future webinars or quick weekly video chats on our Footprints YouTube channel.

Shirley and Wendy

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