Subject: Early Access to Our July 4th Sale Starts Now

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Storewide Sale - Now Underway!

4th of July Celebration Sales Event

Exclusive savings for newsletter subscribers!

To celebrate the greatest independence day on earth, The United States of America's 248th Birthday, we are offering 15% off of all in-stock items at To honor this great event, we'll be running this super savings bonanza from Tuesday 7/2/24 through midnight Sunday 7/7/24. If you want to save big while stocking up, now is a great time. Use the following discount code at checkout and enjoy this exclusive newsletter subscriber-only discount during our special weekend sales event:

Discount Code: (15% Off Storewide)


(UPPERCASE letters - Place in coupon text box at checkout.)

(Valid thru: 7/2/2024 - 7/7/2024)

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