Subject: Today Is The Best Day To Get The Coaching You Need

Hi Friend,

I like to help people...

So I don't often send emails telling folks to "buy some stuff"

But today I am telling you...Buy THIS Stuff if you have ever thought about getting a REAL Affiliate Marketing Mentor...

It's important that you Take Action Now Because...

 On Wednesday my mentor Brian Brewer will be hosting his next group Coaching Call for all Affiliate Escape Plan members...

...and he will be showing you how to promote his new and updated product which is converting at an 11.5% conversion rate on the front end.

 Starting next Monday Brian will be hosting his next "14 Day First Sale Then Scale" challenge where he will take a small group of folks from zero...

...and show them how to create an affiliate campaign that is designed to help you get your first sale fast....and then allow you to scale with automation in the future.

This challenge is great because last time he ran this challenge, 50% of the folks in the challenge made their first commission before the 14 days was up.

So if you want to start making money fast AND get coached by Brian 2X per month for the life of the program...

Click here to learn more about his Affiliate Escape Program

And if you decide to join today...

You will be guaranteed access to both Wednesday's coaching session

And the next 14 Day First Sale Then Scale Challenge.

And $20.995 worth of bonuses included, and you can pay in 3 monthly payments!

So click here right now to see everything you get when you join today.

This is probably the ONLY Live 14 Day First Sale Then Scale Challenge that Brian will be running this summer...

So don't miss out!!!!

If you are not keen to buy this now, please at least watch Brian's FREE 90 minute affiliate marketing course!

To your success


Get Totally FREE Course here

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