Subject: Russell’s REVISED book is coming! 😱

Hi Friend,

If you’ve read any of Russell Brunson’s books in the past…

Dotcom Secrets, Expert Secrets, and the NEW Traffic Secrets...

...then you already know the POWER they hold, and the impact they can have as you’re growing your business!

But did you know that Russell spent MONTHS rewriting and updating his original DotCom Secrets book, adding somewhere around 60K words in new content?

With that many new words, it’s practically a new book!

Which is why I’m so excited to finally be able to order it!

Get Your FREE Copy Of DotCom Secrets Now! 

It feels like I’ve been waiting forever for this, and now it’s actually here!

(I already claimed my free copy - all I had to do was cover shipping.)

And if you’re like me and want to binge-listen to the audio version RIGHT NOW, there’s an option to add that to your order, which will let you download it and start listening today!

That way, I don’t have to wait for my hardcover copy to ship! 🤯

I have NO idea how many books they’ve printed, but I do know that it’ll be first come first served, so you’ll want to claim your copy as early as possible to get in the front of the shipping line!

You can claim your FREE copy here...

Get Your FREE Copy Of DotCom Secrets Now!

Talk soon!



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