Subject: How bad Russell Brunson’s condition has gotten…

Hi Friend,

Russell might need an intervention… 🙁

He’s been buying copies of old, first-edition, (some UNPUBLISHED) books…

From the original “personal development” authors in the late 1800’s, early 1900’s.

It’s bad… real BAD.

He’s about $15 MILLION in, and he’s not stopping anytime soon!

He even had the audacity to film an entire DOCUMENTARY about this dangerous condition.

He calls it “BIBLIOMANIA!”...

And for the first time, you can see for yourself just how bad his condition has gotten… ;)

As well as what sort of life-changing advice can be found inside these books — including the $1.5 MILLION unreleased book he bought.

[New Documentary] Bibliomania! And the story of the $2.7 Napoleon Hill collection purchase…

Of course I’m JOKING about Russell needing help!

The story he shares inside is absolutely INSANE…

And is a masterclass in going ALL in on something valuable to you and those around you.

It’s especially important because, if you stick around til the end, he’ll reveal how YOU can secure physical copies of TWO of Napoleon Hill’s unpublished & controversial books.

So hurry up, and go watch it NOW >>


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