Subject: Get the funnel that made over $4 million in 2 weeks!💰

Hi Friend,

We're giving away a FREE funnel template
based on Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula:

Click here to get the funnel template

(This same funnel strategy helped Jeff make more than
$4,000,000 in just 2 weeks with his PLF coaching program)

This 11-step funnel includes:

  • 2 proven squeeze pages to grow your
    email list and get people to watch your webinars

  • A survey page to help you create the
    perfect offer for your audience

  • A concierge page so your audience
    can easily access all of your content

  • 3 sales pages based on Jeff Walker's
    super-successful PLF promotion

And more pages to help you replicate this promotion
and use it to sell your own high-ticket products!

Click here to get this FREE funnel template
and use it for your own business!

Here's to your success!

Zvonko from Honest Marketing Tips

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