Subject: 13 Tips for TikTok and Reels - that actually work! 😱

Hi Friend,

TikTok and Instagram are both incredible platforms that can be used for MASSIVE growth. Whether your account is for your business, just for a fun or a passion project - when you’re putting hard work into your videos on a daily basis, you want to maximize their reach!

Please keep in mind, these tips are general best practice, but every account is different. Ultimately, do what works best for YOU and have fun. Because that’s what social media is all about :)

TIP 1: Attention resets - Reset the audience's attention.
For example: A new camera angle, take a drink, walk through the house, change clothes, transitions...

TIP 2: Keep it quick

Get to the point and make it as fast as possible. Script it out if necessary, so you can talk faster! Think before you record!

TIP 3: Relate to your audience

Film "in the moment". It makes the viewer trust and listen more because it seems spontaneous and spur of the moment (even if it’s planned).

Also make it seem urgent and like you filmed the video RIGHT then and there!

For example: Sip coffee, drive, take mask off, leave the room, apply make-up...

TIP 4: Show hands

This makes you appear more trustworthy to your audience - sounds crazy but this ACTUALLY WORKS!

TIP 5: Make caption allude to something In the video (i.e. have you tried #3?)

This will make your audience want to listen longer.

TIP 6: Speak loud and clear

You may feel like you're shouting, but remember that your energy only comes through at about 50% to the camera.

TIP 7: Use "you" or "your" in the first three seconds

This immediately makes the viewer understand HOW your video is going to relate to them.

TIP 8: Study headlines 

Look at headlines from Buzzfeed, Daily Mail, and other social media platforms, and gather inspiration from there.

TIP 9: Go for the aesthetic

Use a few different fonts and colors in your videos. Red, blue, and pink all work really well when outlined.

TIP 10: Keep captions short 

You can use a decent amount of hashtags. If it needs to be longer, use the first comment.

TIP 11: Make a series

ALWAYS leave room for more questions, so you can make a part 2 or 3 to the series. If you get a lot of comments on a short video, consider making a more in depth series on the topic of that video.

TIP 12: Timing is everything 

Trim the fat from every clip - an extra second for a breath, setting up the camera, or an "um" will lose the audience's interest. When you use text, make the timing and the beat right - don't be lazy! It really makes all the difference.

TIP 13: Use small hashtags

This tells the algorithm what audience it should be sent out to. I aim for under 10 Million views, under 5 is even better.

TIP 14: Reply to comments with video

Always reply to your comments with video, makes the engadgment better. Some creators can even reply with video on comments from other creator's videos.

Here's to your success!

Zvonko from Honest Marketing Tips

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