If you are already selling an offer, disregard the rest of this email....
However, if you do not have a Good Affiliate Offer right now...listen up...
Making money is about choosing something to sell, then selling it.
Don't overthink it!!!
If I was starting today...
This is 100% the affiliate product I would sell first.
I've never mentioned this before...
But as I did my due diligence, this is a homerun offer IMO...
1). I think this has wide appeal with 84% of the reachable target market on Social Media.
2). It can be sold with a wide variety of angles making is super easy to package your story into an attractive marketing message.
3). It starts with a low ticket offer and sells high ticket offers on the back end, making it much easier to acquire customers.
4). It is not in the Make Money Online niche...however, it is super attractive to folks who are in the MMO space...and those who are not.
5). It's really good and appeals to every demographic and age range. I've talked to a number of folks who bought it, loved it, and are now promoting it.
6). It's a digital product
Check it out
Now, if you want to promote this product, the steps are simple.
A). Learn the product.
B). Share why you needed the product (on social media)
C). Share the outcome and benefits your received from the product (on social media)
D). Teach some of the things you learned from the product (establish authority)
E). Send traffic to the product's incredible sales page.
Seriously, this is a good sales page (see it here)
Cheers ,