Subject: Friend when the alarm clock rings... 😳😍⁉️



awake audacious abundant

hi Friend

How's your heart? your stomach? your feet?

It's ok to take a few deep breaths to check in with yourself.

When the alarm clock rings...

this is the moment when manifesting begins.  

Think about that for a moment.

What was the first thing you thought about this morning? What was the first thing you said this morning?

What was the first thing you said to yourself this morning?

  • Were you kind or cruel to yourself?

  • Were your thoughts calm or worrying thoughts?

  • Were you excited about your day or dreading parts of your day?

Your thoughts weave the tapestry of your experiences.

If your thoughts are the threads,

your feelings and words create the patterns.

Now let's visualise the tapestry that your thoughts have already created today:

  • what is the pattern like?

  • what are the colours?

  • does it feel good, peaceful, chaotic, beautiful, calm, erratic, sad, happy?

This is a pretty powerful exercise... and it's even nicer because it's a Sunday!!

How do you think your Monday tapestry would like?

But... wait a second, Monday hasn't happened yet!!

We don't need to judge or joke or manifest Monday based on the past - when instead - we can think...

What Monday tapestry would YOU LOVE to have tomorrow? 

Do you want the overall pattern to be organised, dynamic, geometric, calming, radiant, bright or soothing, calm or energising or chaotic?

Really! Answer this question now.

Imagine the epic difference you could make to your Monday, or even the entire month of October - if you give yourself 3 minutes to plan your Monday Tapestry right now.

So... choose now:

  • Do you want the pattern of your Monday Tapestry to be organised or dynamic or geometric or artistic?
    calming or bright? colourful or monochrome?

Now, think about the THREADS that are needed to create this pattern - these are YOUR THOUGHTS.

  • What do you need to think tomorrow to create this tapestry?

  • How do you need to feel tomorrow to create this tapestry?

Do you want to think...

empowering thoughts or disappointing thoughts?

future-focused thoughts or past-focused thoughts?

expecting good things to happen or expecting bad things?

Now, how about visualising yourself in Monday scenarios - are you happy? stressed? disappointed? overwhelmed? worried? creative? juiced? on point? laughing?
accomplishing? high fiving?

  • What is the BEST SCENARIO that could happen tomorrow? ...and what's EVEN BETTER THAN THAT??

By being intentional about how we want to experience Monday, and then getting intentional about the thoughts and feelings that you want - then, we can be responsible for our manifestations.

Instead of getting stuck in patterns of the past, we can be the designers, the directors and the commanders of the life that we want to experience.

Life is not happening to you - you are creating your life.

It's up to you to command through kindness for yourself how you want to live.

Here's the recap of the importance of designing your Monday Tapestry now:

  1. The moment you wake up, manifesting begins.

  2. Your thoughts and feelings weave the tapestry of your experiences.

  3. Command through kindness for yourself the life you want to live. more time:

  • How does your Monday Tapestry look and feel?

  • What is THE ONE WAKING THOUGHT that you need to be sure you're thinking to start your Monday Tapestry?

Write it on paper or on your phone or send it in a reply to this email!

You've got this!!

There’s only one question left to ask:

What’s the BEST that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love,

devotion in motion

to your authentic wellness.

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