Subject: You Deserve Higher Love 💕

Hi Friend,

Let's talk about a particularly tricky subject today - unrequited love. Love can be delicious, and it can also be bitter. It really hurts to want and not recieve.

We crave loving relationships and sometimes we get burned by them. A love dynamic can bring out the best in us, but also the worst.

Through my work, I've come across countless clients dealing with unrequited love situations. I've also personally experienced both sides of the coin - being denied love and denying love.

More often than not, the person denying affection gave some clear indications and actions revealing their truth but there's nothing quite like turning that blind eye to the red flags when all we can latch on the vision that we wanted instead.

Sound familiar? It's a tiring and draining experience. But your energy knows best. If they drain you, they're not the one for you.

You deserve to be fully chosen and feel fueled, not drained.

It's okay to cherish the good times, the good they brought out in you and the positive aspects of the relationship, but it's also okay to choose a higher love.

You deserve full ownership of your wellbeing and highest ideals.

If you need help to reignite your "I deserve not just better, but the best" vibe, Higher Love is here for you!

This special all-natural elixir can help improve your self-love behaviors and give you the tools to move from unrequited love to a higher, more fulfilling kind of love.

Instead of getting stuck on how hard it can be when dealing with difficult relationships and feelings, Higher Love will guide you through this journey to a higher form of love from within yourself.

So what are you waiting for? Take action today and become a magnet for the love you deserve!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,


yoga + emotion potions

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