Subject: Worry 🥺 is a Misuse 😬 of Imagination 😏

Hi Friend,

This week I want to remind you of the incredible power within you to overcome challenges, embrace happiness, and live a life you love.

Here are 4 affirmations to guide and inspire you:

"I am the master of my thoughts and I can choose a new thought."

As Einstein said "Worry is a misuse of imagination". When you find yourself fixating on a worry, try take a few deep breaths and then, ask yourself: what's the best that could happen? Play with the possibility. Use your imagination for good.


"I love and respect my body, I treat myself with care and gratitude."

It's ok if this one is tricky. I had a really long journey to get to this place where I appreciate and prioritise care for my body. Choose wholesome foods, move your body as much possible and practice self-care rituals. If you would like to try some flower essences for body love, check out this instagram post.


"I trust the guidance of my soul, following its whispers forwards."

Intuition is subtle, like a whisper, or like that right turn off the highway that comes out of nowhere, but you just know that's the turn you have to take. Often steering us into something unfamiliar - the soul nudges us towards the uncomfortable, so we can expand our potential and manifest our passions and gifts; paving our unique path forward.


"The less I react, the more I can listen to my emotions. As I allow them to flow. I allow my emotions to teach me valuable lessons."

Showing up for yourself emotionally is a hard-earned skill. It's ok to acknowledge the depth and richness of your emotions. Embrace them as messengers, guiding you towards self-discovery and growth.

Here is an example of self-honour enquiry I do with myself and with clients:

  • If I don't react right now - and I sit in this emotion - what is it trying to tell me?

  • What am I resisting? suppressing? feeling? faking?

  • When did I first or last feel this - is there an unresolved (emotional) situation?

  • How can I soothe myself? What do I need now?

Allow yourself to feel your emotions authentically. By doing so, you set yourself free from the past and be more emotionally-centered and resilient.

Remember, Friend every courageous step you take ignites the inner resources within you to bring you closer to the life you desire!

Download (hold the image and select save) these affirmations and use them this week as reminders of your innate power.

Repeat them each day as many times as you can remember so you can overcome challenges, embrace happiness, and expand the life you love.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending limitless courage and boundless possibilities,


yoga + emotion potions

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