How's your heart? your stomach? your feet? It's ok to take a few deep breaths to check in with yourself.
Do you ever have a moment that smacks you across the face?
One of those moments that suddenly sum up everything you're currently through?
Earlier today, mid-yoga class, as I was directing myself into one of my least favourite poses - Baddha Utthita Parsvakonasana - a standing low lunge with the twist of your torso over your standing knee, facing in the opposite direction. I was jamming my torso against my knee and straining my neck to look behind me,. I've always done the pose this way, I thought that was what I supposed to do. I thought I would always dislike it and never get the hang on this whole twisting thing.
"Heidi, we're not looking back in this pose".
Mic drop. Stop looking back. Stop looking back, Heidi.
And then my teacher showed us how to look forwards in the opposite direction, and then, LOOK UPWARDS.
Upwards. Look forward. And then, look upward.