Have you ever bought a lego box - and there’s this epic picture on the outside that seizes your imagination and you can feel yourself living the experience of the creation?
Well this is what's happening - it's as if you bought a lego box and expected to INSTANTLY open it and it would be a finished solid experience and look like it did on the box... right?
BUT when you opened it, you realise - the creation must be built - the creation is a sum total of however you want to make up all the tiny little pieces.
You’ve got to build your new vision, piece by piece.
And first, you had to release the darkness to create a rich, deep, stable foundation. You're doing everything right.
The deepest roots grow in the darkest soil.
You are immensely powerful.
Now, there’s only one thing to do.
-> to mediate on the question with yourself
If you would like to extend your meditation
With a visualisation:
Imagine a ring of protection ( a caim in old Celtic Irish)
And in this gap (darkness) you feel,
And then fill your body with light,
And then, from your body, full of white light,
Have the white light overspill into the gap,
Until you become the gap,
Until you become shimmering white light - wholesomely contained as light within your caim (ring of protection).
Breathe into the ease here,
Breathe into the lightness here.
Return to this light meditation
every time you feel the discomfort of the unknown creeping in or consuming you.
Now you can start creating new behaviours and new thoughts
from this place of WHO YOU ARE NOW.
And it can happen naturally -
When you keep repeating -
“Who is this?”
“Who am I now?”
“What do I feel inspired to do now?”
If you’re in need of some emotional support to resolve the darkness… watch your emails this week.
Because emotions happen… I am dropping NEW FORMULATIONS for emotional support.
Keep a peep on inbox - and remember the light meditation and the questions:
“What do I feel inspired to do now?”