Subject: What's going on - on the inside? 🎟️ ☯️

Hi Friend,

How are you feeling today?

Take a deep inhale ----

and slowly exhale.

Close your eyes - to ask

How do I feel right now?

This is the first step to self-validation; which in essence is the first step to "self-worth".

State how you feel.

Regardless of whether it is anger, happy, tired, joy, ease, exhaustion, overwhelm, anxious...

state it,

own it,

allow it.

Sometimes giving ourselves this space to be with ourselves is the hardest part.

Take a deep inhale ----

and slowly exhale.

Be here.

Be in this feeling with yourself.

Here's some "self-soothing statements" to help you to own your feelings and allow your feelings.

Repeat the following as much you would like to:

It's ok to feel this way.

The way I feel is the way I feel.

Good job Friend!

It is safe for me to feel this way.

How I feel isn't based on other people's needs or opinions.

I like being honest with myself.

I like myself.

I'm making progress.

It's safe for me to be me.

I release the need to be critical about myself.

I love & approve of myself. 

I can be gentle with myself.

It is safe for me to express my feelings.

I appreciate my body.

I am loving.

I am loved.

I am at peace.

You're awesome Friend!!

Can you feel the ease in your body and mind after reading those statements?

When we can be ok with ourselves in how we are feeling, we are validating our own experience.

Of course it feels great to be praised and encouraged by a friend, boss, friend, parent, child, spouse...

BUT we seem to live in a world that seeks an unhealthy amount of external validation.

Perhaps we've even forgotten or perhaps we were never really shown how to validate ourselves or told how imperative it is for our well-being.

If we rely on others to validate, encourage and approve of us, we can easily spiral into self doubt, anxiety ...and overtime, depression. We can lose trust in ourselves and doubt our decisions.

What's worse is that if we receive disapproval or criticism, we can question our self-worth, our confidence can plummet and we could find it hard to express our authentic self.

Checking-in with ourselves and allowing ourselves to be exactly as we are in the moment - is the foundation to self acceptance. When you can be loving with yourself and accept yourself - you can

  • build your confidence,

  • make nourishing and wise decisions,

  • take more responsibility for yourself,

  • create the life you want,

  • understand yourself,

  • grow beyond perceived limitations, &

  • express your authentic self.

Self acceptance as self validation is a skill,

and so, it becoming proficient requires practice.

So if you tend to allow others to validate you -

or even if you're good at encouraging yourself but would like to create some new change in your life -

I invite you to connect with your authentic self each day this week.

Ask yourself each morning this week:

How do I feel right now?

Next, repeat the "self soothing" statements to reward yourself with loving self acceptance.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love; from the inside out

P.S. Friend , I've got some news to share with you this week - keep an email out in your inbox!

Thanks for letting in your inbox by the way, I'm happy to be here.

Sometimes loving yourself requires more gentleness with yourself

  • let go stress

  • feel good in your skin

  • reconnect with enjoying yourself

  • ease the need for certainty and control

  • feel more ease with feeling peace and


  • relaxing into being you

Sometimes loving yourself requires walking the path of your soul's purpose

  • movement in new direction

  • reconnection to activities and work that ignites your passion

  • listen to your own inner wisdom

  • (re)new sense of ambition

  • follow inspiration with greater ease

  • trust yourself

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