Subject:ย Was it all a dream? ๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿ”๐ŸŒด

Hello beautfiul!

I bet you're as surprised to receive this email as I am to finally be sending it.

How have you been?

I miss you. I miss our connection. I miss our interactions.

I apologise for my absence and I hope that you will give me the opportunity to reconnect with you and serve you in a deeper way. 

So before I ask you more about you, ...where have I been? 

I needed to take some time 
  • to grow into myself (my true nature vs my conditioned/expected behaviour), 
  • to heal myself on a deep, restructuring my foundation level
  • to support important people in my life in ways I didn't know I was capable of doing. 
In order to surrender to the journey, to which I was presented with, well, I had to SURRENDER (so much more difficult in practice than in words), releasing my own plans to God's plan. 

I never stopped coaching, designing brands and developing websites, I just couldn't go looking for work. I allowed the work to come to me, and I'm so grateful that more than enough always arrived.

Because the changes that were happening were so personal and so fast (even though at times it felt so painstakingly slow), I didn't know where to begin sharing with you. I could only focus on what was in front of me, and so, I began writing and writing and writing. I have filled journal, after journal, and I hope to share more and more of what fires through my neurotic neurons in the future. Because I have been living and growing through huge internal and external changes, I had to trust in what was presented to me as it was presented. I had to let go of what I thought my life and my businesses should look like (oh that was difficult for me... I'm SUPER stubborn!!). There's a spiritual proverb that says "what's meant for you, won't miss you", which in practice, I believe, means that when you drop resistance, what's meant for you will either to flow to you or fall away from you.

I didn't know if I was going to come back to you, but I'm so happy to be here.

Thank you for allowing me to grace your life, your business, your inbox. 
I like it here. I hope you keep in your back pocket!

Of course, the best part of the departure, is that while I feel everything I am offering is entirely different because I'm entirely more whole, happy, emotionally aware, grounded, resilient, intuitive, skilled, steady, different person... BUT
when I sit here to share my creative service with you, it looks (and feels) remarkably akin to what brought me into your life in 2013 through 2015.

God Laughter & Plan  2     -   Heidi Ego  0. 

In times of challenge, I found myself coming back to my former education Live Your Legacy, the Abundance Attunements and Triple Your Email list you best believe they're even more relevant, insightful and practical today, than in 2013, so expect their come back and so much more this year!

There's so much I want to share with you, so much to fill you in on that's transpired since 2016:
+ moved continent where I knew nobody (Berlin, Germany - to Whisler, Canada)
+ separated from my long-term 11 year relationship
+ opened a coworking space on main street Whistler
+ cultivated wonderful relationships with new people Whistler while living there for 2 years on my own
+ observed and held space for the healing of traumatic emotional distresses to include suicide, psychosis, bankruptcy, cancer, rape, heartbreak, abortion and active depression
+ moved back to Ireland, into my family home to take care of my dad with terminal cancer (I hadn't lived with my parents for longer than 2 months since I was 16. Ive been here for 14 months now.)
+ took the role as a primary care giver to my dad for the past 14 months
+ deepened my connection and commitment to nature
+ deepened my connection to my innate alchemy
+ completed my Reiki 2 and Reiki Masters 
+ downsized my life into a van
+ learned how to date (thank you bumble! went on my fist date aged 29)
+ discovered a how to cultivate a level of natural resilient happiness
+ attended a short story workshop at the Bantry Literary Festival 
+ faced my addictions, escapisms and fears
+ healed my heart from an illusion of love
+ stopped being careless with myself
+ swam with turtles in Hawaii
+ sailed on a 4 million $ yacht with 4 Swedish vikings for 10 days on the Carribean Sea from St Lucia to St Martin
...and that's really only the tip of the iceberg.

So before I invite you to a little intuitive check-in,
there's 3 more items on the agenda.

1. Please expect to receive an email from every Sunday. To ensure you don't miss it, be sure to flag this email address as important or hit the gold star and/or if using gmail, pop me out of your promotions folder and into some place a little more intimate. ;)

2. I've separated my offerings into 2 businesses, my life coaching work, the Innate Alchemy Method, how to alchemise your subconscious patterns to advance your the life you love is home to
All website development, brand design, social strategy and email marketing is home to New website coming soon!

3. I'd love for us to get to know each other better, but if you no longer wish to hear from me, please unsuscribe. Please only keep me in your life if you want me in your life.

Now, over to you.

Take a few, peaceful moments to reconnect with the depth of yourself.

Step 1: Close your eyes, put your hand over your belly button and take 3 deep breaths. Feel your focus anchor into your belly, connecting to your solar plexus (an energy center beneath your belly button).

Step 2: To access your own innate intuitive reading, click the link here to use my instagram account to ask the questions below and intuitively select the message meant for you today. 

Step 3: Ask each of the 3 questions below, one by one. Each question has a question and an integration action; journal question.

Step 4: When this link is open, close your eyes, focus on one of the questions or ask it aloud, scroll the account and when you feel the urge coming from deep in your belly to stop, stop on the image, and read the message.

Step 5: Spend a moment diving a little deeper with the journal question for deeper, practical understanding and inspired action.

Off you go now with the questions below, and remember, you can only get it right (there is no wrong way or no wrong answer)... enjoy!
Thank you for being in my life.
Thank you for being who you are.
I hope that I can serve you in even deeper and more expansive ways than ever before.

What have you been up to?
Have you let something go? 
Has the universe presented a different plan?
Do you feel a little lost or overwhelmed?
Are you prioritising yourself?
Do you feel more connected to your heart or to your head?

If you could you do with a confidential healing space with loving ass-kicking to bust through the subconscious limitations holding you back from advancing your desired life... I invite you to check out the Innate Alchemy Method.

To supporting you,


Alchemize your subconscious limitations to advance your desired life. Join Heidi for a 90 day transformation from the inside out and for daily offerings on instagram
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