Subject: Want to know a secret? 👀🥰

Hi Friend,

There's something incredibly important I need you to know:

You're not broken.

No emotion potion, yoga class, therapy, drug, injection, or new car is going to "fix" you.

You are whole.

You are regenerative.

You are enough, just as you are (which is the opposite of every piece of advertising and societal conditioning - but that's what makes it true).

Mental health and emotional well-being are not about how perfect and positive your life is (this deluision is a byproduct of the blinding, pro-artificial advertising we are all so accustomed to) -- and it's not the only way.

Real-life mental health and emotional well-being is about navigating life with grace and strength and not holding yourself back from the grit and the creativity inside of you. 

Real-life mental health and emotional well-being is about how purposeful and present you are with your body, resources and relationships (so that you can experience the best of life while feeling your best) and how resilient and peaceful your mind through is life's ups and downs -- because there will be peaks, valleys, steep climbs and hard knocks. Life is not fair, nor is it designed to be.

Real-life mental health and emotional well-being is about actualizing your potential and experiencing life with an operating system of inner peace and spontaneous joy. From this sweet spot, you can activate the limitless potential that resides within you.

If you've been here since 2014/2015 (and so many of you have - thank you for being here!!) I've been obsessed with the idea of "limitlessness" for years, and I still am. However, over the years, as I tested, tanked, triumphed and tried to juice the most out of life, I've come to know that limitlessness is a state within us. We are never without it. Inner peace is the key to unlocking this state.

Inner peace is that deep, internal knowing that everything is and will always be ok.

Because everything is and will always be ok.

No matter what's happening around you, there's a place of total calmness and knowing within you. You have the power to choose how often and how long you visit this inner castle, but just know, it's never not within you.

Emotion Potions and ReSourcing Sessions are not about fixing what's broken; they're about reconnecting and re-energising the inner stregnth and inner peace that's within you.

Because you are never without it. Yet, sometimes we might have lost our map to get to it.

If you're feeling the call for Renewal or ReSourcing, check out the options below or please respond to this email with your questions.

Two last items:

  • There's only 12 Renewal Emotion Potions left (ALL other Emotion Potions are SOLD OUT).

  • There will be no email tomorrow :) Thanks for journeying with me this week!

Don't miss this opportunity to renew your life with inner strength and inner peace!

Option 1: Buy Renewal to trust yourself every step of the way! (ONLY 12 available).

Option 2: Schedule your ReSource Session to release the burdens of the past and align your mind, body and emotions to achieve your vision.

Option 3: Create lasting, fast-acting change with ReSource Success 90 Day Portal ( regulate and energise your mind, body, soul and nervous system for expansion into new experiences.)

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you inner peace and strength,


yoga + emotion potions

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