Subject: Unburdening Part 2:⚡From Pain to Safety

Hi Friend,

Yikes! Letting go and embracing change often sounds so empowering until we take that first step. That's when things can get messy, and trust me, you're not alone in feeling this way!

A few weeks ago, I found myself at a crossroads with the heavy bag on my shoulders that I needed to let go of — presented with a fantastic opportunity for change. I took that initial step, and what happened next was unexpected. My body went into high alert mode. Sciatica flared up, screaming through my right leg, and my head became heavy and my entire body tensed up.

Now, if I hadn't been practicing body awareness for a while, I might have mistaken it for the flu or something requiring medical attention. But instead, I sat down and listened. I tuned into my body and realized something crucial.

I had become genuinely excited about a new vision that could become a reality if I committed to it with my mind, body, soul and actions. Sure, it meant facing another mountain to climb, but this time, I felt an authentic surge of inspiration and the "whatever it takes" energy that had led me to this very apartment in Chamonix and many more manifestations.

Back then, logic would have shaken its head and declared it impossible. But logic isn't how the soul operates.

When you align with your soul and boldly say, "I'll do whatever it takes, step by step," the universe responds with opportunities beyond your imagination.

BUT here's the catch — why the pain?

What happened with the sciatica was that, after seeing the vision and acknowledging it as a resounding YES, I suddenly said NO. I entered into resistance, and my body mirrored that resistance back to me.

When resistance is loud, pushing through is futile; it's like hitting a wall repeatedly. The solution isn't to override the problem; it's to start asking the right questions.

Why do I feel this way?

What is this feeling trying to tell me?

What emotional events triggered this in the past few days or hours?

Trust me; seeking medical help can seem easier than truly listening to yourself. But the breakthrough comes when you connect the dots.

That's when the penny dropped. I realized I genuinely wanted that vision; it was my way forward, no matter how obscure or unclear it seemed. It's my path.

So, how do you stop the sabotage and soothe yourself into safety in the present moment?

For me, yoga became the answer. I did a particular session, and suddenly, everything became clear. I knew what needed to be done, and more importantly, I knew I could do it.

Staying present, calm, centered, and with peace of mind as I face each challenge, one step at a time.

Here's my surprise gift to you: I'm making this yoga class available to you for the next 48 hours — absolutely free of charge.

I'll be back with the next exciting step on Friday. You won't want to miss it!

Remember you have 48 hours to soothe your mind and body into peace and safety for the path ahead.

Friend. Change can be challenging, but you can feel safe, empowered and calm in the process!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you inner peace and feeling safe,


yoga + emotion potions

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