Subject: Unburdening Part 1: 🎟️ The Art of Letting Go

Hi Friend,

We are innately regenerative beings.

Just like nature that renews itself with each passing season, our mental and emotional growth has the same capacity for renewal.

One fundamental aspect of this regeneration is our ability to let go.

So let's get back to that heavy sh*t we've been carrying around.

Oh hey there! Overstuffed backpack with emotional debris from the past!

Releasing the past, unpacking this bag, isn't a one-time event; it's a practice.

Letting go isn't as simple as telling yourself to do it. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

#1 You cannot force yourself to let go.

When you attempt to force yourself to let go, you often end up gripping tighter, caught in a whirlwind of consuming thoughts and emotions.

Letting go isn't something that happens during a yoga class, a healing session, a therapy session or a full moon ritual. All of this can begin the rite but when we are deeply attached to something for your sense of security, love, safety, or future - letting go is not only a decision, it's a series of actions.

Letting go needs to be

  •  listened to,

  •  validated and soothed, &

  •  behaved anew.

And the real secret of letting go:

you will only truly let go, once the vision beyond the pain is so much greater and brighter than being in the pain.

That's why EVISIONING from yesterday IS CRUCIAL.

I repeat, the vision of the future must be greater than the pain present.

Letting go begins on the day you take one new small step forwards (that could feel like the biggest leap of all time), this could be engaging in the conversation, making a commitment, saying "no, please respect my needs" or initiating a change.

After taking that step, you can allow the feelings to consume you — cry, shout, even crawl back into bed if you need to. It's okay. You can fall apart, let everything crumble, let ALL the milk spill on the floor. Amid the chaos, remember one vital thing — you are still standing.

You can do this! What you starting doing now towards your vision will be more fulfilling, stunning, and awakening than anything you in the past.

In time, you might even come to realize that all the loss, pain, or destruction were part of your unique journey, an essential path to where you are now.

So, how do you start to let go?

It can begin now with one step, that one decision to take action towards something new.

What's that one step? And are you ready to take it today?

Tomorrow, I'll reveal the key to not sabotage yourself AND A SURPRISE- to stay on track towards your vision (keep an eye on that vision!!)

Stay strong, and remember Friend, it was never the path that needed changing; it was what you were holding on to!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you courage and clarity,


yoga + emotion potions

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