Subject: USA, Free Shipping because I’m Coming Your Way! ✨

Hi Friend!

Just a quick note to share some exciting news—I’m heading to Upstate New York this week for the next level of my Meridian Yoga training, and I couldn’t be more excited to tell you all about what I’ve been learning!

While I’m stateside, I wanted to offer you FREE SHIPPING on any Emotion Potion orders within the U.S. Simply use the code "FREESHIPPING" at checkout, and I’ll ship your order to you from NY later this week!

Why This Training Matters:

This advanced course is the follow-up to the training I completed in May, and it's been transformational. It has completely changed my relationship with my body and how I release pain and emotional tension. I have a big story to share in how it was helped me to process grief and increase my energy - watch this space!

This Level 2 training dives even deeper into the Chinese Medicine Meridian System, combining energy healing with yoga and bodywork to clear blockages, align energy flow, and promote emotional balance.

I’ll be integrating this new knowledge to help you elevate your well-being to a whole new level. 🌿 Whether you're working through stress, self-doubt, or seeking emotional alignment, the synergy of these techniques will support your growth and transformation - I know they can because it has worked for me in these past few months.

If you’re in the US and you've been thinking about trying an Emotion Potion or refilling your stock, now’s the perfect time. Not only will shipping be on me, but you’ll also benefit from my deeper insights on how to combine these elixirs with Meridian Yoga practices to clear mental clutter, restore balance, and realign your energy.

Free shipping is not open to everyone simply because I will not have time to post Emotion Potions in europe before I leave - so hold tight until I get back and I'll hook you up!

☯️ 4 Magical Elixirs to Restore Balance ☯️

#1 From Lack to Limitless

Do you ever feel stuck by fear, self-doubt, or past mistakes? Abundance is here to help you break free from limiting beliefs and step confidently into your power. Whether in your career or personal life, this elixir helps you overcome emotional barriers and embrace bold decisions with ease.

Abundance Will Help You:

  • Make bolder decisions and seize opportunities

  • Release fear of failure and self-doubt

  • Embrace your personal path to success and fulfillment

Affirmations for Abundance:

  • "I welcome payment as energy exchange for the energy I have put in."

  • "My life is rich."

  • "My life exudes richness, laughter, love and luxury."

  • "I am so grateful for the love and prosperity I experience today"

#2 Clear the Mental Chaos

Ever feel like your to-do list is never-ending, and procrastination has a way of sneaking in? Get Sht Done* is your go-to when mental chaos takes over, helping you shift into focused, productive energy—one task at a time.

Get Sh*t Done will help you:

  • Prioritize and knock out your tasks with ease

  • Focus on one thing at a time instead of feeling scattered

  • Start the week with motivation and a sense of accomplishment

Affirmations to Get Sh*t Done:

  • “I am a work of art, one dot of colour at a time.”

  • “I can take imperfect action. I’ve got this.”

  • "There's time for everything.”

#3 Find Confidence in the Unknown

Do you feel like you’re carrying the weight of an important decision or upcoming event, and fear of messing up keeps creeping in? New Path is designed to calm those fears, helping you trust your intuition and feel confident in your choices.

New Path will help you:

  • Feel confident and trust your abilities

  • Release anxiety about upcoming events and decisions

  • Step into your week with clarity and purpose

Affirmations for Trusting Yourself:

  • “I trust myself more and more every day.”

  • “I feel confident and strong in this moment.”

  • “I make decisions that are aligned with my highest self.”

#4 Recharge Your Energy

Feeling like you’re running on empty and haven’t had the chance to recharge? Chill helps you unwind, release anxious thoughts, and restore the restful calm you need to start fresh. Whether you need a peaceful night’s sleep or just a moment of calm, this potion brings you back to center.

Chill will help you:

  • Wind down your mind and body for a restful night or feel present in yoga class

  • Release anxious thoughts so you can relax

  • Feel calm and present in the moment

Affirmations to CHILL:

  • “I can relax and feel peace in this moment.”

  • “All is well. I am rooted in love.”

  • “I let life flow through me with ease.”

No matter what you’ve been carrying, there’s a way to release it and reclaim your calm, confidence, and focus. 🌿 Emotion Potions are here to support you.

There's one more question left to ask you Friend ~> what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you balance, clarity, and a renewed sense of self.


P.S. Say hi on instagram❣️

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