Subject: Transforming Anger into Action 🔥

Hi Friend,

I hope all is as well and as wonderful as can be in your life, and that you're navigating the ever-changing tides of life with grace, laughter and resilience.

Today, I want to explore a topic that touches each of us from time to time: anger.

Anger is an emotion we all experience, and its presence can be powerful.

Anger is a valid emotional response; it's a signal from your inner self, a sign that something in your world isn't aligning with your values, boundaries, or desires. It's a natural response to situations where we perceive a threat, an injustice, or an obstacle.

The important distinction to make is how we deal with this anger. Anger and aggression are not to be confused as the same expression.

It's essential to acknowledge anger and process it constructively.

Aggression arises or explodes from suppressed anger and dysregulated anger.

Anger as Energy

Anger is an energy, a force that can be harnessed. Remember, energy never dies, it transforms and therefore must be expressed. (That's not something the pharmaceutical industry want you to think about, as generally the purpose of modern medications is suppression, not expression).

How can anger be expressed constructively?

Movement. Get your pulse up and get your swat on. This could be as short as 5 minutes with a skipping rope, 10 minutes on a bike or a 20 minute walk. Chopping wood or throwing a wet towel against the bath also work. The key is to release this high intensity energy through you by doing something high intensity.

If you really need to process something difficult than double the time or double the intensity. You can transform this powerful emotion into a catalyst for inner strength and self empowerment.

After you work with your anger in this way, you will feel empowered, stronger and clear. Whereas post-agressive behaviour only leads to destruction, pain, shame, guilt and victimhood.

Physical exercise allows the energy to move through you, not getting stuck within you. By doing this, you confront the fear that might be concealed beneath the anger.

Confronting Fear for Authentic Expression

Anger often masks underlying fears or insecurities. By confronting the fear within you, you create space for authentic expression. When you express your anger constructively, you're (energetically) speaking your truth. Because beneath the anger, is the issue from where the anger came from - something which sparked off your own integrity, your values, and your inner compass.

So, when was the last time you felt anger and what did you do to express it?

Did your anger explode into aggression or did you deal with it constructively?

What's your game plan for the next time anger arises?

Remember, it's okay to feel anger; it's how we choose to respond to it that matters most.

:You can channel this emotion as a source of power to fuel your integrity and authentic self-expression.

This process of understanding, accepting, and working with your emotions is a pathway to more effective communication and healthier relationships, both with yourself and with others.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you a sweaty and healthy expression of anger,


yoga + emotion potions

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