The best part of emotion potions is that you don't know you need one, UNTIL you know you need one.
It's that moment - where you can be first to say - I need this, and I need it now.
I'm feeling HIGHER LOVE right now.
Evidently it's Valentine's Day tomorrow, but that's not quite why I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs "I deserve better".
It's not even about men (or whatever your sexual orientation is), HIGHER LOVE is a proclamation; that I know my needs, that I know my happiness, that I know my value - and I'm ready to have my needs, my happiness and my value MET.
HIGHER LOVE is about declaring that I'm done with this lesson and I'm ready for a new "LOVE ON TOP" beginning.
The next best thing about emotion potions is that you're saying "I deserve better" AND "I am willing to see this in new light".
Emotion Potions gently guide us through the door, when we are fixated at looking at the window.
I'm curious as to what HIGHER LOVE will bring into my life.