Subject: This modern love 🌹

Hi Friend,

Take a deep breath

and then, out, out, out...

releasing a longer, relieving, audible exhale. 

How's your heart doing today Friend?

The best part of emotion potions is that you don't know you need one, UNTIL

you know you need one.

It's that moment - where you can be first to say - I need this, and I need it now.

I'm feeling HIGHER LOVE right now.

Evidently it's Valentine's Day tomorrow, but that's not quite why I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs "I deserve better".

It's not even about men (or whatever your sexual orientation is),

HIGHER LOVE is a proclamation;

that I know my needs,

that I know my happiness,

that I know my value -

and I'm ready to have my needs, my happiness and my value MET.

HIGHER LOVE is about declaring that I'm done with this lesson

and I'm ready for a new "LOVE ON TOP" beginning.

The next best thing about emotion potions is that you're saying

"I deserve better" AND "I am willing to see this in new light".

Emotion Potions gently guide us through the door,

when we are fixated at looking at the window.

I'm curious as to what HIGHER LOVE will bring into my life.


But I've already done the break up, so maybe that's what HIGHER LOVE can bring for you.

For me, I'm seeking a new optimistic optic on new love,

I'm seeking to let the past in the past,

I'm willing to see love in a new way,

I'm asking to release my illusions of love and fill my love and experiences of love with light.

I'm seeking light to lead equal love to me.

I'm seeking light to lead me to the enriching, sensual, deeper, higher, lighter experiences of love.

I'm seeking to get out of my own way so this can happen, and therefore, I'm willing to see love in a new way.

I'm seeking to dissolve whatever within my subs-conscious is blocking me from this love I seek.

I'm seeking to grow into HIGHER LOVE (rather fall in love).

HIGHER LOVE could be for you too if you're feeling:

  • unrequited love

  • recurring (destructive, painful, manipulative, undeserving) relationship patterns,

  • love hurts

  • heart is stuck on someone

  • you deserve better

And instead you want to

  • magnetise loving, equal relationships

  • release old to attract the new

  • be optimistic for new love

  • feel deserving of "love on top" "I come first"

  • feel sensual and confident

  • honour love and devotion for yourself - exactly as you are

  • say to the universe "I am ready for better!"

For homework this week Friend, I welcome you to consider how you LOVE...

  • How do you receive love?

  • Who do you love?

  • How do you show them you love them?

  • When was the last time you felt loved?

  • When was the last time you did something loving?

  • How do you practice self love?

  • Do you love yourself?

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love.

devotion in motion to being you.

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