Subject: The 3 Sunday Night Scaries 😳

Hi Friend!

Is the weight of the upcoming week starting to creep in?

You’ve probably been juggling endless responsibilities all weekend, and maybe you didn’t get around to that yoga class, the rest day, or the long walk you had intended…

Instead of feeling recharged and grounded, you’re feeling more anxious, wondering how you’re going to manage everything on your plate—work deadlines, personal commitments, and absolutely no time for yourself.

Sound familiar?

Take a deep breath. You don’t have to carry that heavy energy into the week ahead.

Let me introduce you to three magical elixirs that will help you regain control and restore balance through emotional self-empowerment. Emotion Potions are here to help you work with your emotions, not against them. There’s nothing you can’t do with a strong body, clear mind, and calm heart.

Here are the 3 Sunday Night Scaries 
and how to handle each one:

Scary #1: The Never-Ending To-Do List

It’s Sunday night, and your mind is racing with all the things you didn’t finish—work projects, household chores, and personal to-dos are piling up. You feel guilty for not being more productive, and now you’re already anxious about how you’ll manage tomorrow.

What to Do:
Reach for Get Sh*t Done when your to-do list is overwhelming you and procrastination has taken over. This potion helps you shift from mental chaos into focused, productive energy—one task at a time.

Get Sh*t Done will help you:

  • Prioritize and knock out your tasks with ease

  • Focus on one thing at a time instead of feeling scattered

  • Start the week with motivation and a sense of accomplishment

Affirmations to Get Sh*t Done:

  • “I am a work of art, one dot of colour at a time.”

  • “I can take imperfect action. I’ve got this.”

  • "There's time for everything.”

Scary #2: Fear of Dropping the Ball on Something Important

You’ve got a big presentation, important meeting, or family obligation this week, and the anxiety of not being fully confident in yourself and your decisions is creeping in. You’re juggling a lot so the fear of messing up is keeping you awake at night.

What to Do:

Let New Path calm those fears and restore your confidence. This potion helps you trust your intuition, release the pressure of control, and feel confident in your decisions—so you can move forward with ease.

New Path will help you:

  • Feel confident and trust your abilities

  • Release anxiety about upcoming events and decisions

  • Step into your week with clarity and purpose

Affirmations for Trusting Yourself:

  • “I trust myself more and more every day.”

  • “I feel confident and strong in this moment.”

  • “I make decisions that are aligned with my highest self.”

Scary #3: Feeling Like You’re Running on Empty

You’re heading into the week feeling exhausted, knowing that you haven’t had time to properly rest. The thought of keeping up with your schedule, commitments, and tasks is leaving you wondering how long you can keep going before you hit burnout.

What to Do:
It’s time to unwind with Chill. This potion helps you let go of the tension, release anxious thoughts, and finally get the restful mind you need to feel recharged. Let it guide you back to a place of calm, so you can start the week with a relaxed mind and feeling more connected to a sense of inner peace.

Chill will help you:

  • Wind down your mind and body for a restful night or feel present in yoga class

  • Release anxious thoughts so you can relax

  • Feel calm and present in the moment

Affirmations to CHILL:

  • “I can relax and feel peace in this moment.”

  • “All is well. I am rooted in love.”

  • “I let life flow through me with ease.”

Whatever your Sunday night scaries are, there’s a way to reclaim your calm, confidence, and focus.

Whether you need to power through a to-do list, restore your confidence, or just wind down for the night, Emotion Potions are here to support you.

There's one more question left to ask you Friend ~> what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you confidence, focus and a calm mind,


P.S. Say hi on instagram❣️

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