Subject: The #1 antidote to burnout 👀



Hi Friend,

Last week we came to the conclusion that to uplevel our flow state - some habits have to change.

I know how frustrating this can be.

Especially with so much forced change and unrest in the world, it can be hard to face that change is required on a personal level too.

Yet, we are burned out.

If you're finding

  • people are irritating you

  • you're living your day to day with little enjoyment - you're just living to get the job done

  • you're not taking care of yourself - maybe not prioritising new, clean clothes, grooming yourself and nourishing yourself

  • you feel like you can't catch up with yourself 

  • you're unhappy with your work and feeling stressed

  • you have to caffinate or sugar load yourself in order for anything to get done

  • when you finally sleep - you crash - not dreaming and not time for cuddles (be it with a pillow, person or animal)

These are all indications of burnout.

If you're feeling any or all of these - it's ok. You're not alone. You're not broken.

First let's favor a "slow start".

Let's reframe "change" or "getting off the hamster wheel that's not working" to redesigning a more nourishing lifestyle that empowers you.

If you were to work with me personally in Natural Alchemy Life Coaching the VERY FIRST habit we would rewire is the VERY FIRST THING YOU DO IN THE MORNING.

And i'm not talking about checking your phone - I'm asking you - what's the first action you take when you got out of bed?

You see, most of us have trained ourselves to do things for other people first. So most of us get out of bed and serve another's needs first. This could be your child, animal, partner, emails, neighbour etc.

When we do this - we are reacting to another, rather than directing our energy and affirming our own importance.

I know mother's are going to say "that's impossible - I have to take care of my kid's needs first."

I hear you. BUT on a general, day to day (not emergency case) - do you really need to take care of their needs first or have your trained yourself to do it?

I realised this when I was the nurse for my terminally-ill dad. I realised that if I woke up and tended to his needs or made his breakfast first - I was setting the energy for the day that my needs are secondary.

Similar to the airplane scenario - where we must put on our oxygen masks before we put the mask on a child or another.

Every day, if I start the day putting my dogs needs or someone else's needs ahead of my own - it chips away at my power (my energ).

So I made the commitment to myself that before I make his breakfast - no matter what - I make my own tea/coffee/hot chocolate first and I drink that AND then I tend to him.

I have continued to same habit with Rex today. I get up and before his needs, I go into the bathroom and I dry-brush my body. No matter what.

This is me claiming my power and prioritising myself.

It seems SO SMALL but meeting that resistance in putting myself first and claiming my own importance (even as a caretaker) helped me to stay in my power and also focus on my own work, projects, wellbeing, life, etc.

Doing this one small step in the morning - is the key to breaking out of burnout and prioritising yourself.

I dare you to try it for one week - tomorrow, monday until next Sunday.

Decide what the #1 thing you will do every day AS YOUR FIRST ACTION WHEN YOU GET OUT OF BED. Something you do only for you.

This also might mean that you have to get up 10 minutes earlier than before.

All of this is important in meeting your own resistance to prioritising yourself.

I can promise you - that if you do this every day for the week - the benefits and positive shifts in the choices your make for yourself will convince you of how powerful this is - AND how important you are!

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