Subject: Tap into your 🌕 magic this tuesday ➡️ SUPERBLOOM 🤩

Hi Friend,

Are you eager to harness the transformative energy of the full moon to manifest your goals and desires?

Do you crave a moment of peace and reflection during 🌕 but feel confused about what to do and when to do it?

🌝 I am thrilled to invite you to an exclusive online workshop - "SUPERBLOOM Full Moon Yoga & Manifestation" - happening this Tuesday August 1st! 🌸

What to Expect:

🧘‍♀️ Guided Full Moon Yoga: Energising and restorative yoga session to feel rooted, resilient and radiant ~ with your goals or the storms in your life.

🌕 Manifestation Ritual: Tap into the potent energy of the full moon to set powerful intentions and release what no longer serves you.

💫 Cosmic Connection: Experience the profound sense of unity with the universe as we come together under the cosmic canopy of the full moon. Connect with like-minded souls and create an energy-filled space of manifestation.

🎁 Special Surprise: As a special treat for attendees, I have a surprise gift that will enhance your full moon experience and support you on your manifestation journey. 🎁

This workshop is for you if you're seeking balance, growth, and empowerment!

🌟 Feeling Stuck and Seeking Clarity & Alignment?

The hustle and bustle of daily life can lead to neglecting your emotional and spiritual well-being, leaving you feeling unfulfilled and unsure of your next steps.

🌿 Reconnect and Align with Your Inner Essence

At SUPERBLOOM, we create a sacred space where you can release stress, reconnect with yourself, and realign with your true essence.

Our guided full moon yoga sessions and manifestation practices will help you tap into your inner power, discover your deepest desires, and set intentions that resonate with your authentic self (soul).

🧘‍♀️ Restore Balance: Release tension and anxiety, cultivating inner peace and emotional harmony.

🌱 Clarity & Alignment: Release what no longer serves you and get ready to take new actions feeling confident, inspired and focused.

🌕 Harness Lunar Power: Align with the energy of the full moon to amplify your intentions and manifestations.

💫 Somatic Manifestation: Set clear intentions and use your body to reset and strengthen neural pathways towards your desires.

🌺 Connect & Thrive: Create a supportive community of like-minded souls, fostering authentic connections and inspiration.

Date: Tuesday August 1st


10am PST (West Coast)

1pm EST (East Coast)

6pm GMT (Ireland)

7pm CST (France)

Location: Online (Zoom link will be provided upon registration)

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you magical moon vibes,


yoga + emotion potions

P.S. Limited spaces available for this powerful event!
Don't miss out ➡️ elevate your vibe & thrive ➡️ SUPERBLOOM

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