Subject: Take the risk 😬 to... 🤐

Hi Friend,

Take the risk... to love your mistakes.

Sounds easy to say; like another one of those soul-washing statements that could appear on a mug.

But the reality is that we tend to hold rotting mistakes captive in our psyche.

Think of a potato - it's a versatile, nutritious, plentiful, delicious starch when ripe and when rotten, well, it's blight has the potential to generate a famine.

Memories about our "mistakes" can be like a rotten potato. We allow them to fester, mould and spread their infection into other memories and even into our present.

Here's 3 ways to love your mistakes.

  1. When you recall a "mistake" from the temple of memory, consider the difference between regret and blame. You might regret the mistake - this just means that there's something still to learn; that there's still a gift this mistake has to give you in the form of a lesson. BTW it's never too late to apply this lesson in your life today. Blame means you're angry or there is still painful emotion trapped in the emotion. There's a greater gift for you there - it starts with not blaming yourself.

  2. How were you supposed to get it "right"? In hindsight, we tend to hold ourselves to an insurmountable set of expectations. When in reality, it was probably impossible, at the time, for this "mistake" to play out in a different way. From a soul perspective, frequently when we look back the mistakes are precious experiences. The mistake brought us to an understanding that we would have otherwise avoided - this is priceless for soul growth and evolution.

  3. Take a few deep breaths and visit the memory of the "mistake".
    Now recall the rhythm of your life at that time, the relationships, the behaviours, the sequence of events, the knowledge you had at the time - revisit the entire configuration - with this optic of the memory as "a configuration in time" it is easier to bring understanding and compassion for yourself. You were doing the best that you could at the time with what you had and with the environment and patterns that led you to the "mistake". Fill this memory with compassion for yourself. Fill this memory with love for yourself. When you forgive yourself, the inner wounds begin to heal.

For homework this week,

I invite you to go into that sticky, icky, "I regret that" memory.
Now recall the rhythm of your life at that time, the relationships, the behaviours, the sequence of events, the knowledge you had at the time - revisit the entire configuration - can you see how this played out the way it did? Can you see the gifts it has brought you today?

=> List out these gifts. These are your Unicorn superpowers. 

You were doing the best that you could at the time with what you had and with the environment and patterns that led you to the "mistake". Fill this memory with compassion for yourself. Fill this memory with love for yourself.

Your mistake has now transformed into this:

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live light; from the inside out

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