Subject: Take me to my church 🙏

Hi beautiful,

Let's cut to the chase...

Human flourishing is not a mystery.

There are book shelves full of autobiographies from the most successful humans on the planet, as well as the countless books and studies from science, psychology, philosophy, personal development... we have
the tools, understanding and knowledge available to us.

Yet, why do we struggle so much with achieving our higher potential?

The challenge is putting it into practice.
And by "it", I mean... putting our DESIRED LIFE into practice.

The progression towards flourishing doesn't come from reading the book, it comes from putting the knowledge offered into practice, and most importantly, making it your own to fit your individual way of prospering,  intellectualising, relating, letting go, grwoing. That's the most awesome thing about humans... no two people experience life in the same way.

So... we got this ;) we know that it's possible to

1. Decide you are (becoming) a flourishing human
2. Living your life as a flourishing human

But... what about

3. The TRANSFORMATION from the decision to living your flourishing life

It's this transformation, your progress in action, that will take you from where you are now, to optimising your life, to living your a flourishing life.

For the TRANSFORMATION to transpire,
we have to look in the mirror
and face our shadows,
face our own bullshit

because it's layers of bullshit (outdated stories)
that are holding you back from you.

(If you find it hard to face your BS alone, schedule a session with me for a radical new perspecitive to your unique holistic transformation)

This weekend has been a sticky time of TRANSITION.

Remember the Relationship Reflection  exercise I mentioned last month... where we got a hard slap in the face and a harsh look at what's under the rug.. in our relationships... can you identify in the last week where you were challenged by the same relationship pattern, but in a much softer way? Did you react in a new and different way? Did using the Relationship Reflection help you navigate the difficult terrain?

Relationships are complex, there is no simplifying the human condition or the human experience. Honestly, we wouldn't want to, because it's from these complexities that we deepen our flourishing and enlightenment.

The biggest issue I was coming across with clients during this week was that the OLD PARADIGM, be it their personal modus operandi or a societal paradigm... was not serving them anymore. It was like trying to fit a 16 year old into the clothes they were wearing at 6... not going to happen or not going to be age appropriate or not gong to communicate who the person has evolved to at 16. Their behaviour and reactions and actions to the relationships and circumstances in their life required TRANSFORMATION.

It's time to set the pre-existing structure on fire!

We are being called (more like pushed) to redefine a new modus operandi that is in alignment with who we are now, with our needs now, and on the new trajectory of where we are going based on who we are now.

My homework for you today and tomorrow is to:

1. Observe yourself as your own church

  • Observe your body as a church, what does worship look like?

And not from the external, go internal.

  • How is your church (body) designed, adorned, worshipped, maintained?
  • Who do you allow into your church and when? 
  • How much time to spend taking care of your church?
  • How much time to spend meditating and praying in your church?
  • What are the values and rules of your church? 

To no longer need seek external validation, external permission, external praise, external control...
We must honour and give ourselves internal validation, permission, praise and power.

Let me know how this resonates with you, and tell me a new way you are going to love/understand/worship yourself in a new way that better supports your revised ideals of flourishing.

If you would like, a safe, confidential and supportive container to explore your a new path to your flourishing, schedule a session with me here.

To supporting you to live your most courageous life!

All the best,

Alchemize your subconscious limitations to advance your courageous life. Join Heidi for a 90 day transformation from the inside out and for daily offerings on instagram. 
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