Subject: Surviving is important. 💯 Thriving is elegant.

Hi Friend,

Take a deep breath,

and slow, audible exhale.

Repeat as many times as feels right! :)

I poured myself a bath this morning at 5.06am.

I awoke early and decided the nicest thing to do, and what I felt like the most ~ was to soak and meditate in the bath.

I added french white clay, lilacs which my Matriarch Madame Farmer gifted my yesterday (I wish I could send you a puff of their sweet scent in this email)m and some Cedar essential oil.

The bath is were I can go into deep meditation. Water, for me clears my energy and grounds me into me.

Two new feminine spiritual guides came to me in the bath ~ coincidently Venus has moved into Pisces.

Friend, you might have heard me mention this before:

"Fill up your cup and serve from your saucer".

I first heard this from Lisa Nichols in 2016. I like the visual that is delivered with the advice.

I bet; in at least one area of life, we are all guilty for over-giving and over-extending ourselves, maybe even to the point of depletion.

After becoming aware that I was well-versed in over-giving and leaving myself to last - I then moved into the next phase of slowing taking all the nurturing, affirming, boundary-making steps to fill my cup 

and, JUST ~

when it was coming up to be comfortably full,

instead of filling up my cup to the brim,

and then brimming it to overflow so I could give from my saucer,

I invited everyone back in for a pool party.

Would you like ice with that tasty beverage?

Shall I turn up the music?

Today I want to take a look at the same concept, different optic.

What if the cup signifies "your natural gifts" Friend?

By natural gifts, I am referring to

  • your passions,

  • the activities you love to do,

  • the things you enjoy just because you enjoy it,

  • the stuff that makes you feel the best (and probably do the least of)

  • the skills people thank you for (yet come naturally to you)

  • and the stuff "you wish you had more time to do"?

Here's a series of self-inquiry steps to figure out how you can enjoy your own private pool party.

And by "your own private pool party" I mean...

how you authentically, elegantly and epic-ally enjoy being you!!

Self-inquiry Sunday : How to authentically, elegantly and epic-ally enjoy being you more of the time:

  1. Picture a cup in my mind that symbolises
    "me expressing and living my natural gifts".
    Is the cup

  2. full and overflowing

  3. 1/4 full

  4. 3/4 full

  5. what cup? it doesn't exist.

2. Next, In what ways do I hold back from sharing my natural gifts?

  • In what ways am I compromising my natural gifts for the benefit/care/love/accepatance of others?

  • How do I hoard my natural gifts and in what ways do I hoard the expression of my natural gifts?

3. Now, let's take some deep breaths.

If this gets too sticky, return to it later.
Remember healing is cyclical, heal occurs in spiralling layers.

4. Now consider your natural gifts again. Picture yourself doing them, loving it, feeling good, feeling high vibe/big life energy and enjoying yourself.

5. Next imagine them (filling the cup and overflowing) flowing selflessly and freely and lovingly into the world.

Notice, what does this look like?

Notice the emotions that arise as you imagine your gifts (the shit you really, really love to do - and probably do the least of) pouring out of you and nurturing other people.

Now, notice - how does this feel?

  • Do you feel drained, angry, used, exhausted, depleted?

  • Or do you feel empowered, loving life, "I got this" energy?


Answer the following (this is where the GOLD is)

  • In which relationships do I need boundaries?

  • How do I regulate my time?

  • Who do I allow to make decisions in my life? Why?

  • Why do I allow others needs, opinions, priorities, beliefs to dictate or direct (aspects) my life?

  • How do I put boundaries on my feelings of "owing" or "making them happy" to others?

  • How do I nurture my boundaries so that I get to pursue my natural gifts and enjoy the benefit their harvest?

     By natural gifts, I am referring to

    • your passions,

    • the activities you love to do,

    • the things you enjoy just because you enjoy it,

    • the stuff that makes you feel the best (and probably do the least of)

    • the skills people thank you for (yet come naturally to you)

    • and the stuff "you wish you had more time to do"?

  • How do I nurture my gifts so that they benefit me first (Hello, thriving!) and so that I authentically, elegantly and epic-ally enjoy being me more of the time?

If you get stuck in navigating this week's self-inquiry, I invite you to go back to past two week's emails, which may assist with getting to the root of sticky negative emotions.

If it becomes too much to go through on your own, I invite you to book a coaching session.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life from the inside out

natural ~ adventurous ~ sustainable ~ spiritual

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