Subject: Step Into Nature’s Studio with me 🌲Yoga in Trees🌲

Hi Friend,

As summer winds down, have you found yourself reflecting on any goals or activities that you haven't yet tackled?

There’s still time to act! Often, a looming deadline (hello September!!) is just the push we need to leap over the hurdles of hesitation and fear, propelling us toward something new.

This year, some of my greatest achievements have sprung from taking imperfect actions. So go ahead—send that imperfect email, turn up as you are, start something new even if the conditions aren’t perfect, and tackle tasks without needing them to be perfect.

Mindfulness teaches us to view change as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat. It's easy to let doubts cloud our judgment and prevent us from seizing new opportunities.

However, by staying present and mindful of where we direct our attention, we can achieve our goals—not because they're perfect, but because the next imperfect action is possible.

In the spirit of making the most of what's left of summer, and while I know you may not be here in Chamonix Friend, I’m eager to share a slice of the Yoga In Trees experience that turns a workout into effortless mindfulness and relaxation.

Yoga in Trees: An Immersive Reconnection Experience

At Yoga In Trees, we transcend the typical boundaries of yoga practice. As we step into the quiet of the forest, we leave the relentless pace of everyday life behind. The forest’s natural soundscape make it effortless to anchor yourself in the present moment. Finding the perfect spot for your yoga mat isn’t just about clearing away pine cones or scouting for flat ground; it’s about choosing a place where you can fully connect with the environment, feel the earth beneath you, and gaze up through the leafy canopy.

The Power of Grounding

Grounding, or earthing, is a powerful therapeutic technique that involves reconnecting physically with the earth. This practice has been shown to enhance sleep, reduce inflammation, and boost energy levels. Many of our yoga poses are specifically designed to maximize your contact with the earth, from lying on your back to engaging in expansive side stretches, enabling you to absorb the earth’s restoring energy.

The Science Behind Forest Bathing

Incorporating shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing, into a yoga class does more than uplift spiritually; it offers substantial health benefits. Scientific studies confirm that time spent in forest settings can enhance immune function, lower blood pressure, and improve overall well-being by reducing stress hormone levels.

Be Here Now: A Scented Portal to Relaxation

To deepen your relaxation and drop into the present moment, each participant begins with a ritual of long, slow inhales of the scented yoga/body mist "Be Here Now" Emotion Potion. This custom blend of energizing and soothing essential oils—works alongside potent flower essences from the Chill Emotion Potion to transform your state from exhausted and chaotic to calm and relaxed.

Last Week's Magic

Just last week, three attendees found such profound relaxation that they drifted off to sleep during savasana in our open, wild forest— a true testament to the trust and tranquility fostered in our space.

Your Call to Adventure

What adventure has been calling you this summer?

Let this be the nudge you need! Do it! Take the next imperfect action.

For Those in Chamonix: Join Me for YOGA IN TREES 

You’ll leave the session feeling more centered and grounded, and better equipped to handle whatever comes your way.

Please book your spot online.

There's one more question left to ask you Friend ~> what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you imperfect action on something you've been wanting to do,


P.S. Say hi on instagram❣️

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