Subject: Staying centered 🌀 in your universe 💎

Hi Friend,

Today we find ourselves in center of 2023; 182 days have passed and 182 will lead us forward.

It's the perfect day to reflect on what it means "to be centered in oneself" and to redirect our focus and actions until the end of the year.

Being centered is about finding strength and stability in the chaos and the mundane of life. It's about finding that calm and steady place within, regardless of external circumstances. Because when you're centered, you're better equipped to handle challenges, make decisions from a place of clarity, and live with intention.

Here are a few strategies to help you to practice balance, peace, and connection within:

#1 Breathing

Breathing deeply for 4 counts inhale, 4 counts exhale helps to connect with yourself in the present moment. When we practice this and breath deeply and calmly, we can oberseve our thoughts and emotions without judgement.

#2 Earthing

In the mornings, one of the easiest and free way to take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is to stand barefoot outdoors - on grass/soil - and it's even better if it's slightly wet. Let the earth's

natural electric charges calm and center your body. I highly recommend this earthing documentary if you're interested in learning more.

#3 Renewal Emotion Potion

Renewal Emotion Potion acts as a catalyst for shedding old patterns, letting go of stagnant energy, and inviting in fresh perspectives. It supports your journey of self-renewal and helps you tap into your inner well of resilience and strength. The corresponding affirmation is "I trust myself" as Renewal helps to bridge that gap and encourages adoption of new behaviors that align with your desired direction. Plus, it will boost your confidence to pursue your vision.

#4 Set Boundaries 

Learn to say no to things that don't align with your priorities or values. I would even go as far to say, the more you say no, the more centered you are in your life. It's ok to establish boundaries, habits and routines that protect your energy and create space for what truly matters to you.

Now, let's talk about the next six months.

Take a moment to reflect on the desire you want to achieve the most.

What is the one thing that, if accomplished, would make the biggest difference in your life at the end of 2023?

Once you've identified your top priority, it's important to pace yourself.

Cultivating "being centered" in yourself will help you to pace yourself and prioritise this desire.

Avoid the temptation to take on too much at once, as this can lead to burnout or overwhelm.


  • Break down your desired outcome into smaller, manageable steps.

  • List out the habits (repitive tasks) that will help you maintain achieving the small steps

  • Establish a routine around these habits

  • Set up accountability with a person/people

Remember, it's not about doing everything all at once; it's about taking small, continuous steps towards your desired outcome.

  • Celebrate yourself EVERY DAY with kind words, affirmations and repeating compliments to yourself along the way "I love what you did today Friend - I'm awesome!!"

  • Be gentle with yourself if you encounter setbacks or detours.

What matters most Friend is not even the progress, it's what you discover about yourself, the happiness you enjoy, and what build within yourself along the journey.

Here's to staying centered, Friend, while trusting in your ability to achieve your desire by the end of 2023.

You've got this!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending you peaceful nights and vibrant days,


yoga + emotion potions

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