Subject: Soul Anxiety❣️ Secret Sauce❣️

Hi Friend,

How's the dance of December treating you this week? Continuing the December Anxiety Guide, this week is all about what do you do - when you're building towards a vision that seems so far away and you feel a bit helpless, get caught in the anxiety of "can that ever happen/will that ever happen".

When the rhythm gets tricky, and the steps feel uncertain, it can kinda feel the anxiety is bigger than you or that things are our of your control, kinda like a soul anxiety. The best Rx for soul anxiety is gratitude. Here's why:

  • Shift in Perspective: Gratitude works like a compass, guiding your focus from what's lacking to the abundance that surrounds you every day.

  • Increased Possibility: Picture gratitude as the DJ playing your favorite tune of positivity. The more you dance to it, the more good vibes join the party - the more new possibilities awaken.

  • Enhanced Resilience: Gratitude helps to shimmy, shake and twerk to the beat of life.

  • Improved Mental Well-being: Giving the mind a kind focus allows for a moment to relax, unwind, and let the soothing notes of thankfulness refresh your psyche.

Gratitude is about feeling the appreciation, letting the beats of thankfulness resonate with the music of of your soul.

That said I have a practical and powerful exercise for you. It's called the "100 Thank Yous to Me¨ and yes, you're going to show yourself appreciation x 100!!

100 Thank Yous to Me

In the following categories, list 20 things that you are thankful to yourself and about yourself

#1 Personal Life/Personality/Lifestyle

List 20 why/what you are grateful about your personal life/personality/lifestyle

#2 Body

List 20 why/what you are grateful about your body

#3 Relationships

List 20 why/what you are grateful about your relationships

#4 Work/Study/Business

List 20 why/what you are grateful about your work/study/business

#5 2023 experiences

List 20 why/what you are grateful about your personal life/personality/lifestyle

Don't let this be overwhelming - set your timer for 15 mintues grab a pen and paper and just go for it. Hit 20 on each list.

For extra empowerment and clarity for the year to come, review your lists and ask yourself the following:

  • Which list was the hardest to complete?

  •  What surprised you about your lists?

  • Identify the aspects that lit you up the most; how can you prfioritize them more?

  • In 2024, what do you want to be thankful for? Envision the gratitude you'll feel a year from now, and start taking small steps to bring that vision to life.

Remember that sometimes, the tempo changes the path ahead seem a bit hazy. But guess what? That vision you've been building toward? It's still there and you're on the right path.

Every step you take today, no matter how small, is a stride toward the future you're building. Gratitude will gift you the patience, presence and perseverance. Keep going!!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you deep thanks and twerks,


yoga + emotion potions

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