Subject: Set your own pace 🎁

Hi Friend,

Take a deep breath

and then, out, out, out...

releasing a longer, relieving, audible exhale. 

How's your heart doing today Friend?

I see that courageous heart of yours.

I see you showing up ~ full of determination, full of intention, full of love despite the darkness that is roaring one spectacle after another to steal our attention, and ultimately to divide us.

Whatever you're doing, however you're doing what you're doing,

give yourself a great, big, HUGE, reassuring hug and a high five.

You've got this.

You're doing it right.

You are amazing!

Keeping doing you.

You've got this!

Even if you're lying exhausted in bed,

Even if you're feeling weak,

Even if you're feeling lonely and misunderstood,

Even if your feeling WTF was last week (!!) ,

Even if your feeling mad, angry, frustrated or desperately confused

You can feel ALL of this,

and I still say YOU ARE AWESOME Friend.

I repeat,

you are AWESOME Friend.

So let's talk about last week...

WTF was that!

I don't know anyone who escaped without, at the every least, energetic whiplash and a super-sized side serving of exhaustion.

Hopefully, now you are soaring into clarity with a new sense of who you are and what you want.

BUT before that -

suddenly, we were enjoying a sense of unbounding, forward momentum;

life finally started to feel a little circa 2019

(remember when that year seemed like a shit-storm... those were the days!!)

and then, BOOM!

Total sudden side-swipe, feet out from under you.

Let's face it.

We cannot go backwards.

We can only go forwards.

And we can go forwards in a different way.

You can set a new pace for yourself.

Remember in 2020 when the world stood still for a little while,

when the trees breathed a sigh of relief,

when the birds got a chance to procreate without car fumes,

when we didn't because we just couldn't,

and life went on,

albeit at a much, much slower pace.

Ok it was disconcerting at the time,

but we can take the strength we earned from that time now and employ it to our benefit.

We earned the freedom to say

  • No, we can't do it now but we can do it in ___ amount of weeks/months

  • I won't be attending

  • I won't be travelling

  • Yes, please expect it in 4 weeks

  • No that doesn't work for me

Our nervous system started to adjust to this slower pace,

as did our bodies, our minds, our workloads.

I know we are all eager to get our lives back on track.

But which track are you setting yourself up on?


#1. Pace: Do one less thing every day.

I'm sure, like me, you lived adding one more thing (at least) to your list.

Our days were valued on how much we could do in one single day.

We're just not wired that way anymore.

Now, our days CAN be valued on how present you were for a task, project, conversation and how much you rested and how you took care of yourself.

#2 Boundary: Communicate your needs.

You teach people how to treat you and to respect you.

You CAN do this by treating yourself with kindness and respecting yourself by communicating your needs.

When you do this, you are also saying I am respecting you by showing you how to respect me.

Your needs do not require a lengthy explanation nor a list of excuses, your needs are your needs.

Communicate them.

#3 Rest: Go to bed 2 hours earlier.

If you want to get more out of your days,

give yourself more rest.

If you want to get up earlier,

go to bed earlier.

If you want to get double done,

triple your rest and rejuvenation.

And for those moments of...

Reach for WTF. 

When you feel:

  • there are no words, shock, trauma, distressing situations, fearful/stressful situations, nightmares.

And you want to feel

  • shock relief 

  • courage

  • strength in self

  • instant relief from fears/stressful situation

  • presence of mind

  • presence to next step to think or act rationally

Then, I recommend always having WTF in your back pocket.

For homework this week Friend, I welcome you to consider the PACE of your life ...

  • How often do you rest?

  • What do you do when you rest? But really, what do you actually do instead of resting?

  • Are you saying yes as a reaction
    rather than a intentional, full, wholehearted commitment?

  • What can you delay, delegate or remove?

  • Can you do one thing less every day?

  • Can you do one thing less every day and still feel valuable and productive?

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love.

devotion in motion to being you.

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