Subject: Sensory Overload?🍊Try this.

Hi Friend,

In a world that's constantly updating us with more, more, more,

it’s easy to fall into self-distracting with social scrolling, watching endless episodes and playing addicting games,

which ultimately spiral us into sensory overload; leaving us feeling drained, lonely and disappointed.

Do you know that feeling Friend?

I’m not going to tell you to use your phone less or get off social, instead, I’m going to invite you start juicing joy!

You see, we all have wonderful stuff - right under our noses.

But with all the too-easy-distractions, we forget and overlook the good stuff.

Plus dwelling over the past and worrying about the future removes us from being able to appreciate what’s good about the situation. 

Let’s give a name for this wonderful mundane stuff that's right in front noses as “Nectar”. 

Nectar is everything that is good which you could enjoy in your life right now. 

Can you write a list of a few things that spark your smile right now?

Nectar is not what you want or what you had - it's what is right in front of you right now, in the moment.

Like savouring the sweet nectar of a ripe, juicey fruit - we can savour mundane moments. 

Producing nectar in moments requires developing and practicing a mindset that juices joy out of the mundane.

It could be as simple as enjoying:

  •  the seat you’re sitting in,

  • your car,

  • your pillow,

  • your pet,

  • drinking from a favourite cup,

  • morning coffee,

  • stepping outside with barefeet,

  • the fresh sea breeze,

  • looking at a certain tree outside your window each morning

It also could be something more complex:

  • motor cycle rides,

  • snowboarding,

  • getting a pedicure,

  • driving to a certain place,

  • practicing yoga,

  • competing in jiu jitsu,

  • creating _____,

  • team meetings.

We've got to do the mundane stuff anyway, so why not cultivate joy in doing it?

  1. The more nectar moments we have in a day and the more we string these nectar moments together your days will feel happier, lighter and good more often and with greater ease 

  2. When life throws curveballs and challenges - and it will - you’ll more easily be able to find relief and happiness by juicing some nectar moments 

  3. The more you enjoy the nectar moments, the more you’ll want to experience them and the less you’ll want to reach for the phones, tv shows and games that stimulate instant gratification, overwhelm and sensory overload. 

  4. Overall, the more you train your brain to juice joy out of the moments, the more joy you will experience.

In order to juice joy out of the moment, we've got to first be able to get comfy in the present moment.

Imagine being instantly transported into your own calming oasis...

With a spritz of the unique blend of botanically-derived active ingredients in Be Here Now, so you can quickly switch off, kick back and relax into the present moment – anytime and anywhere.

Be Here Now is a calming Mind + Body Mist to

> surprisingly, instantly ->

  • disconnect from over-stimulation,

  • relax your senses and

  • feel more peace in your mind and ease in your body.

Please feel free to respond to this email with any questions Friend

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,


yoga + emotion potions

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