Maybe... they are not noticing the fierce new commitments you are embodying... they are not seeing the evolution in you... they are not accounting for all the little consistent actions of greatness that you're doing...they are not acknowledging your improvements.. it sucks. No, it really sucks. I get it.
BUT there is a golden lining. When if feels your hard work is going unnoticed but therein lies the sparkle...
Why do you need their approval anyway?
Where’s the freedom in drowning in everyone else’s expectations?
Where’s the happiness in not going after the life you really, really want?
You're doing this for you.
Focus back on you.
It's not your job to take on their shit. It's not your job to soften their landing. It's not your job to strengthen their passage.
Your job is be your greatest you, AND YOU'RE DOING IT.
Just do you.
When you rise, you give them the opportunity to rise too.
They will either rise to meet you in new magnificent ways... or drop away, or maybe drop away for a while... so they too can have S P A C E to change to come back in their own way.
Just like you have done.
You do you.
Love what you do and do what you LOVE.
Do you?
What S P A C E can you create for yourself this week to DO MORE OF YOU to DO MORE OF WHAT YOU LOVE?
That's this week's homework :) As always, please hit reply and share with me... what S P A C E can you create for yourself this week to DO MORE OF YOU to DO MORE OF WHAT YOU LOVE?
2 more quick housekeeping items to add...
1. Keep an eye out for a very special "Change Your Mind, Change Your Life" invitation this week to motivate you (for FREE) into cognitive transformation... creating change from the inside out!
2. I love what I do and I do what I love. Here's a testimonial, for an awesome and inspiring client that I received last week... maybe this will motivate you to take the leap for change :)
Every time I speak to Heidi I get motivated to take action. Her passion for sharing her knowledge is infectious. She presses me to look at my pain, and remarkably helps me to feel free and peace after. It's hard to believe all the positive change that's now happening... change i didn't see possible and change that feels easy!!! I used to be allergic to change... I am mechanical, logical, and now I have a new superpower... intuition. I finally understand myself and have confidence to make changes I didn't see possible (and i make things every day), for that, Heidi, I say thank you.
Marcus C - Mechanical Engineer |