Subject: Recharge + Reconnect ☀️ Make the Most of Summer Outdoors🌲

Hi Friend,

How's your August going?

Before the summer days start to wane, NOW is the perfect time to soak up the natural elements, embrace the outdoors, and give your body the reset it deserves.

Especially if you're...

NOW is good time to set a new pace for yourself Friend.

A great place to start is to feel the earth beneath your feet,

sit on a rock and breathe deeply,

and recharge your energy listening to a gushing river or babbling brook.

BUT It’s hard sometimes to let ourselves STOP -

just for a couple minutes, so we can actually breathe and listen to ourselves, and let the answer find us, and feel more connected to our bodies.

Here's some suggestions to reset your pace and give your body the natural reset it deserves.

Practice Barefoot Walking & Grounding

One of the simplest yet most powerful ways to reconnect with your body's natural healing abilities is by walking barefoot. 

Letting your feet touch the earth (has been scientifically proven by Clint Ober) helps ground your energy, reduce stress, and reduce inflammation in the body.

This week, take a few moments each day to walk barefoot in the grass, sand, or even in the forest. You’ll be amazed at how this small practice can make a big difference in how you feel.

Here are a few more activities to recharge your body and mind with the energy of the summer sun:

Outdoor Activities to Recharge Your Energy

Sunrise Stretch: Start your day with a gentle yoga session in the morning light. The early sunlight is not only energizing but also a great source of Vitamin D.

Forest Bathing: Spend time in the woods, immersing yourself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest. This practice can lower stress levels and boost your mood.

Picnic in the Park: Take your meals outside! Enjoying a simple meal in a park or by the water can be a refreshing change from your usual routine.

Meditative Walks: In a local park or along a beach, breathe slowly, just focusing on the count of your breaths.

Gardening: If you have access to a garden, get your hands in the soil. Gardening is a grounding activity that also allows you to connect with the cycle of growth and renewal.

For Those in Chamonix: Join Me for YOGA IN TREES 

If you ask me, there’s no better way to ground yourself and recharge your energy system, than by practicing yoga surrounded by the tranquility of the forest. We’ll focus on stretching, strengthening, and relaxing—by focusing on both breath and movement, you’ll find balance and tune into your own needs. You’ll leave the session feeling more centered and grounded, and better equipped to handle whatever comes your way.

Wednesdays @ 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM


Meet in front of Plan B Hotel.

Please book your spot online.

Take some time this week to recharge, reconnect, and reset. Whether it’s through barefoot walking, outdoor activities, or joining us for Yoga in the Trees, I hope you find ways to make the most of these precious days.

There's one more question left to ask you Friend ~> what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you grounding and recharging in the outdoors,


P.S. Say hi on instagram❣️

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