Subject: Ready for pre-order! 🌟

Hi Friend,

Here's to unlocking new opportunities with stability, determination, abundance and beauty! 🌙✨

I'm excited to announce that the exclusive Taurus New Moon batch of Emotion Potions IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER!

After taking a deeper look at the energy of May, I am only brewing 4 blends of Emotion Potions - and only 10 of each - so DON'T MISS OUT!

Chill = inner calm and relax your mind 

Get Shit Done = productivity and clarity 

New Path = trust yourself as you move in a new direction 

Higher Love = raise your vibe to attract the best vibes

Remember, each Emotion Potion is a made-to-order 30ml Flower Essence elixir designed to soothe your energy from stress to solution. Emotion Potions will be posted to you on May 8th!

If you have any questions about Emotion Potions or need guidance on the best option for you, just hit reply and ask away!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you stability, abundance and beauty,

yoga + emotion potions

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