Subject: Ready for change? 🤔 Not sure how? 👀

Hi Friend,

Has life being a little rough around the edges lately? 

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances of the past few weeks? 

Are you ready to make a significant change in your life but not sure where to start?

As Dr Joe Dispenza says

“you’re either repeating life from the familiar past or creating life towards a new future.”

So Friend, the choice is yours.

You can either stick to repeating the past and stay in the learned safety of your comfort zone,


you can motivate yourself towards the unknown, teach your nervous system to feel safety in the new and embrace new opportunities. 

It's not easy, but it's worth it. 

How to get started?

  1.Get Your Priorities Straight by asking yourself

=> Since January, what have I  been prioritising, spending the most time on in my life? 

Rewrite this list in order of most time and energy spent on:

Professional work / career 









=> How would I like to prioritise this list for the next 3 months? 

=> What did I love about Jan, Feb, March, April, May - what were the best bits?

=> What were the worst bits? 

  2. Envision new future by asking yourself

=> How do I want my life to be in May next year?

=> How do I want my life to be in 10 years?

  3. Rewrite the priority list according to this vision 

  4. What small daily action step if you do it every day will start edging you closer to #5 your vision for May next year. 

  5. Pick one task you've been avoiding and do it every day.

Even if it's just for a few minutes. 

By doing this one task consistently - you are building the evidence for your nervous system that will build your confidence and comfort in the unknown and this will make you unstoppable!

Congratulate yourself. Keeping going with for a week, then a month.

It might be tough at first, but stick with it and you'll start seeing the positive results. 

If doing this on your own is too overwhelming right now but you would like to fast-track your success in creating a new future for yourself, I would love to tell you more about my new 90 Day program called “Re/Wild Success”.

Over 90 days, I will be your guide and cheerleader through a step-by-step process that will help you

  • leave your comfort zone,

  • overcome resistance,

  • soothe your nervous system into thrive mode

  • develop a consistent routine that will build your confidence and make you unstoppable

  • strengthen your body and relax your mind

  • Manifest new experiences and relationships for yourself

If you're ready to take the first step towards the a new future on your terms, reply this email with INTERESTED. 

There’s only 5 spots available right now.

And if you need any more convincing, remember that 3 months is 2.5% of 10 years. 

By prioritizing your goals and taking small daily action steps, you can get yourself 2.5% of the way towards your 10 year vision in just 3 months.

So what are you waiting for? Take action today and start building the life you deserve!

Reply this email with INTERESTED. 

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,


yoga + emotion potions

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