Subject: RE: New Moon 🌙

Hi Friend,

I hope you're feeling the shift in energy as we approach the New Moon in Virgo. It's a powerful time for releasing what no longer serves you and making space for fresh beginnings.

If you've been following along with our journey this week of letting go and embracing change, you're right on track. If not, there's still time to join in.

The New Moon is often associated with renewal and rebirth. As the darkness of the night sky shrouds the moon, it's an opportunity for introspection and setting intentions.

Here are 5 journal prompts and considerations to harness the energy of this Virgo New Moon:


Just as the Earth benefits from rain to nourish its soil, consider what needs hydration in your life. Is it your body, your skin, or your hair? Prioritize hydration with water or herbal tea, taking a soothing bath with salts, or indulging in a self-care ritual.


Reflect on 1-3 habits that, when consistently integrated into your daily or weekly routine, will support your vision for positive change. These habits act as the fertile soil in which your intentions can grow.

Higher Perspective:

Imagine yourself soaring above a pressing situation in your life -- an eagle in flight. From this higher vantage point, seek the highest perspective you can. See beyond and behind, try to notice the patterns and the possibilities from a higher vantage.


A potent time to explore your relationship with anger. When was the last time you felt angry, and how did you process that emotion? Remember that anger, when not expressed healthily, is aggression. Aggression and aggressive behaviour and language is what is common. Let's find constructive ways to release anger energy instead.

Project Peace:

Is there a project or goal in your life that's been burdened by perfectionism and pressure? It's time to release the tension. Consider rescheduling, taking one imperfect step, or visualizing the completed project with ease and flow. Follow the energy, not the pressure.

Remember, as we journey through change, we can find safety, empowerment, and calmness within ourselves.

To help you embrace this New Moon energy fully, I'm offering another 24 hours of free access to a calming yoga session. It's a noursihing way to soothe your body and mind, aligning yourself with the transformative energy of the Virgo New Moon.

Don't forget to check your inbox on Saturday for the next installment of our journey. You won't want to miss it!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you a nourishing and transformative new moon,


yoga + emotion potions

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