Subject: Part 2 👀 Crisis Response 💪 Empowerment Over Fear

Hi Friend,

Please know that in this exploration of

"the Art of Responding in a Crisis: Embrace Empowerment Over Fear"

I won't be offering any magic solutions or quick fixes to life's complex challenges.

However, there is one critical factor: our response.

To recap from part 1,

  • reacting with fear and anger only adds fuel to the chaos and further divides us, &

  • see crisis as an opportunity for change hidden within the chaos.

To achieve different outcomes, we must be willing to do things differently.


It will require patience and practice and trial and error, but the results will be worth it.

Since our response is decisive, before responding to any personal, emotional, financial, societal criss, you can ask yourself these questions:

  1. Are you being "reactive" in your response?
    Reactions (rather than responding with understanding and knowledge) can look like repeating old patterns, numbing yourself, procrastination ignoring the issue, intensifying the situation, or inflating it?

  2. How do you treat others during your response?
    Reactions (rather than responding with understanding and knowledge) can look like being judgmental, dismissive and division rather than empathy, understanding or support.

  3. Are you willing to gather more information, create space for understanding, and think long-term about your contribution to a positive outcome? This requires going beyond quick fixes and reactive responses.

We can choose to empower ourselves rather than being victims of fear.

By responding with understanding, knowledge, and responsibility, we can create empowered change.

Because our world is becoming increasingly complex, it’s helpful to have a set of guiding principles to help us make decisions the we can be confident will lead to optimal outcomes.

Here are some guiding principles and considerations for your journey:

  1. Self Honour: Give yourself permission to determine what you truly want and what you value and to LIVE by them. Don't force yourself to chase ambitions or be controlled by that no longer aligns with your freedom, health and happiness.

  2. The Golden Rule: Treat others as you want to be treated and treat yourself how you want others to treat you. Let this principle guide your actions.

  3. Organise and Systemise: Reducing stress and taking control of your environment, lifestyle and work can empower you to be the person you want to be. Create routines, systems, habits and environments that support your growth. Your relationships and your boundaries will benefit from this too.

  4. Embrace Change and Growth: Listen to your emotions, validate them, and allow yourself to evolve by making the course corrections that align with your values and who you are. 

  5. Let Go of Pride: See things as they truly are, not by how you imagine them to be, wish they were or how others perceive them. Don't hold onto relationships or situations that no longer serve you because of outside opinion. Don't hold yourself accountable to your past "shoulds". F*ck shoulds. Shoulds are kryptonite.

  6. Transcend Judgment: Judging others only sabotages our own lives. Practicing non-judgment is practicing acceptance, both towards others and yourself. Accept yourself so that you feel safe in yourself. You can choose to be with others who accept you and empower you, or who reject you and disempower you.

  7. Seek To Understand Before Being Understood: Instead of reacting and insisting on being understood, take the time to truly understand the situation. Gather information, consider the context and implications, and explore the higher perspective for the greater good.

  8. Make a Commitment to Yourself: Trusting others starts with trusting yourself. Follow through on commitments and promises you make to yourself. It's not about how many days you want to _____, it's about how many days you did _____. This builds self-confidence and prevents falling back into negative patterns.

  9. Empowerment is a choice: Empowerment can get thrown around as a concept. Simply put it’s whether you choose to enhance/advance your power or subtract/detract your power. With every choice you can decide does this empower myself or another - or does this take away power from me or another. This choice is made in our words, thoughts, habits and behaviours. 

Remember, applying these principles will require trial, error, personal effort, patience, and practice.

Success, freedom, health, and happiness depend on your willingness to embrace them.

Because you choose - you have free will - & therefore you have power.

Your power lies in the choices you make, moment by moment.

You are you, that's your superpower.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you rest, good food and great company,


yoga + emotion potions

P.S. Remember there's always a way to soothe your nervous system and take the edge off, naturally:

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