Subject: No flower 🌻🌷 tries to become a certain kind of flower 🌻🌷

Happy 2022 Friend,

I hope you had a merry, merry Jule-tide!

Let's kick off with some slow, deep belly breaths.

Take some moments to

Inhale for 1, 2, 3, 4,

Exhale for 1, 2, 3, 4.

How's your heart? your stomach? your feet?

Today is also our first New Moon of the season - so you might have fresh urges and inspirations to become equally practical and ambitious about the year ahead.

What if in 2022, you decided to become even more of you?

By even more you, I am referring to the human that is you, when you are in alignment with your soul.

This is not the you that has to live up ideals and expectations outside of yourself.

It's the you that's closer to who you were as a child,

it's the you when you're laughing deeply,

it's the you when you feel great relief and love in the moment,

it's the you that feels a deep sense of gratitude and awe for your life,

 it's the you who truly, madly, deeply cares about you.

“No tree tries to become a certain kind of tree. No flower tries to become a certain kind of flower. The tree and the flower open up to the sun and soak up water. Thus, they grow into themselves. No judgment. No expectations. No commentary. Your task is the same. If you can stop trying so hard to become who you think you should be, and instead commit to understanding and nourishing yourself, you will bloom into whatever kind of person you are.” — Vironika Tugaleva

In order to live the soul-aligned you,

we may have to ask some different questions of ourselves,

and we may have to take different actions or decisions than before. 

To get a different result,

You need to think, feel and do differently.

When you found yourself in a tricky predicament or making a simple decision, how many times in 2021 did you ask yourself:

~ What does my heart want? Does my heart want this?

~ What does my soul want? Does my soul want this?

Or instead, did you make decisions based on what your mind wants or on information previously reconciled by your mind?

For example, how often when you are tired,

do you go get a coffee - choosing stimulation,

instead of choosing relaxation.

Maybe it's not the coffee you need but a brisk walk outside?

Or maybe you need to make changes to your bedtime routine to improve rest and sleep,

or make changes to task completion patterns to improve productivity,

or maybe there's something in our diet causing energy to plummet?

You see to get a different result,

You need to think, feel and do differently.

Another example, would if you have conditioned yourself into performing best under pressure or stress - this could have been your winning formula for years.

But then, you start prioritising your health more and start nurturing your nervous system - well, since you've made these changes to your health, you're going to have to retrain yourself to work/produce from a more relaxed state.

You see by doing something different,

You also need to think, feel and do differently.

And it begins with creating more space for yourself to relax, to heal, to reflect and to begin some new ways of doing things.

“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.” —

Brené Brown

Here are some questions I have been reflecting on today with the entry of the new year and new moon.

You could answer these by writing out or saying the answers aloud.

For additional intimacy and understanding of a someone in your life.

You could also ask your partner or friend to ask each other these questions.


  • What do you care the most about?

  • How do you action this care (about what you care most about)?

  • How do you care for yourself?

  • Do you care for others more than yourself?

  • When you put other's care ahead of your own, what happens?


  • What do you create? (not arts and crafts, can be anything)

  • Where you do you channel your creative energy?

  • If you were to review today ~ what did you create? What lit you up or felt relaxing and what felt draining?

  • How would you like to channel your creativity?


  • What do you know to true?

  • Why/how do you know this is true?

  • Do you tell lies (white lies, fibs)?
    This could be in the form of not telling the truth of an excuse you're giving or need to change plans.

  • Do you tell lies in order to keep harmony/agreement in a group?


  • How do you honour yourself?

  • What does self honour mean to you?

  • How could you honour your soul more?

  • How could you honour your creativity more?

  • How could you honour truth more?

Now from the potent potentials of Care, Creativity, Truth and Honour, you can investigate the whispers of your soul vs the conditioning of your mind.

If you'd like to reply to the email and share anything that came up for you ~ please do.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love.

devotion in motion to being you.

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