Subject: No eucalyptus tree in the kitchen 🤷‍♀️

Hi beautiful,

How are you feeling in this second week of March?

March is blowing up some serious change in my world. What about you? Even as I speak the wind is blustering gales of change behind me. It's the perfect time to take a deep breath, a deep sigh of relief and refocus on your goals and intentions for 2019.

Because of the new moon last week, now the moon is beginning to get bigger in the sky, helping us to gather momentum and regain our energy. We are also fast approaching the astrological new year. Therefore, today and tomorrow are fruitful days to reflect and rejuvenate your 2019 intentions.

Give yourself 5 minutes. Take 3 deep breaths and let's dive deeper into you...
Firstly, do you still want the same goals?

It's good to revaluate and explore changing your mind, to play with reorganising priorities and/or to let go of something that you want but it's not working. You don't have to change anything, but opening up the perspective, coming at your goals from a few different angles might just bring in the clarity, the confirmation, the breakthrough that you've been seeking. Let's give it a go.

How can you work out if you still really want something?

Play with your list of goals.

Let's say you have 8 goals. You could write out 8 intentions right now, or you could go back to where you have written down your 2019 goals. 
And have a blank sheet of paper and pen to hand.

Remember, that taking action NOW, in the spirit of play, is the best way to inspire greater momentum towards your achieving your dreams.

Ready, set, let's play! 

1. Rearrange the list in accordance of most creatively viable to accomplish.

2. Rearrange the list again in accordance to most financially viable to accomplish.

3. Rearrange the list into the sequence of what you feel is easiest to accomplish?

4. Rearrange the list into the sequence of what you feel is the most challenging to accomplish?

Now, while doing each of these steps, did you notice a repetition of reasons (excuses, conditions, patterns) appearing in your mind?

Jot these down on the piece of paper.

Try not to judge them (excuses, reasons, conditions, patterns), just accept them. In accepting them, you are seeing them, meeting them where they are. And then, after a little bit of accepting, you'll notice... ok, that's fine, this can be doable too. I can get through this, even if it takes longer than anticipated... sure, once a, b, c are in motion, I'll be feeling so great, stimulated and creatively on-fire that d,e and even, h will surely start falling into place. :D

You might notice that it's time for f to take a breather and a new goal to come in. Maybe you were just biting off more than you can chew, and if you park this until May (put a reminder in your calendar to revisit in May) that removing that opens so much more room for the budding flowers to bloom. 

Speaking of plants...

My plants thought me a lesson this week. I REALLY wanted to have a eucalyptus tree in the kitchen. The idea of fresh eucalyptus growing in the kitchen, emanating its refreshing aroma, clearing the busy airways, in my opinion, would be ideal. The eucalyptus tree has other, very specific requirements for its ideal living environment. Even though, I wanted the tree inside, the eucalyptus belongs outdoors. Outdoors, in the elements, in a sunny spot with rain are the conditions to which it thrives, and who I am to remove it from its preferred (thriving) environment.

5. List out what conditions each goal on your list requires to thrive
+ what's the environment => your lifestyle/ behaviour requirements?
+ watering schedule -=> your nourishment (food, suppllements, water, how you eat)
+ other plants around it => your relationships that foster growth?
+ geographical location => home environment that cultivates growth?

In order for your goals to manifest, you need to set up the right thoughts, behaviours, relationships and environment for them to thrive.

This is self care. This is taking care of yourself by stating what's important to you, 
by prioritising what's important to you, and by setting up your world to manifest what's important to you.

Get the foundation right. 

Also, if you have achieved some of your goals already, BE SURE to adequately and abundantly celebrate yourself!!

If you got stuck on any of these steps or have now realized there's a deeper pattern in place that's keeping you from achieving your desires... check out my method here and let's schedule you a session to stop sabotaging your freedom and define your personal manifestation process for achieving your goals. 

Take care and talk soon!

To supporting you,


Alchemize your subconscious limitations to advance your desired life. Join Heidi for a 90 day transformation from the inside out and for daily offerings on instagram. 
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