Subject: New dawn, new moon, new YOU... 🌘

Hi beautiful,

Firstly, a very steady and joyful Taurus New Moon to you!

Wow, the past 2-3 days were challenging, right?
Last week, did you get a creative breakthrough? A new career opportunity? A new perspective on something involving your heart?

BUT... did you find that, while you wanted to charge forward with velocity, you lacked energy, were confused, no clarity, needed something more... and then, did you feel overwhelmed until you finally, let it go and let it be. 

You allowed time to take you where you need to go in alignment with divine timing.

Divine timing... that's a tough pill to swallow sometimes.

Divine timing doesn't mean carelessly giving up on something that's important to you, just because it's not happening on your schedule, in the way you wanted it, and it doesn't mean giving up being responsible for what's important to you.

Diving timing is understanding that for everything a cycle, for everything a pattern, for everything a process, for everything a season.

I think pregnancy serves as one of the best examples on this planet of understanding divine timing. Especially when we live in an instantaneous, fast-paced world... there's no rushing 3 trimesters or even the 4th trimester... no science can give you speedy check-in on the natural birthing cycle. 

Side note, but worth mentioning when talking about seeds and the birth cycle, I just learned today that a female egg at ovulation, has the ability to signal to the sperm she chooses, to choose which sperm she allows to fertilise her, to repair the sperm's DNA (if damaged) and has enough nutrients within her to feed herself and the sperm until the next nutrient is released from the uterine wall. Innately, we are our own powerhouse.

For a seed to develop... we must provide the most nourishing soil, water, environment... we must learn what the seed needs as well as the environment needs to support the seed, we must learn how to create space for the seed and then we must shift gears and help the seed to grow and evolve into it's own individual expression.

Your constitution (body, mind, soul) is unique to you. 
How you assimilate your environment, what your body needs, what your soul yearns for/pushes you towards/teaches you lessons about, how your mind is programmed to believe... is all unique to you.

This fact has become even more evident to me in my work.

A perquisite for working with me has been to share your birth time, date and location. I see it as your earth ID as it signifies the unique relationship at the most important time of your life (your birth) between your body, your soul and the planets. I believe it's in the indicative human link to your soul, and so, looking to your birth chart we can get a map as to how best serve your soul's evolution.

When you are blocking or preventing your soul from evolving,
 your world can feel out-of-sync, chaotic, in disarray, like your pushing a rock up a hill... creating struggle by going against our innate source of self. 

What I'm finding more and more with clients, it's not that you are on the "wrong" path, it's that you have the wrong framework in place. It's more likely your inner critic is blocking your evolution or you're
 allowing (without realising) the harsh conditioning from a society driven by a patriarchial-consumerist-pharmaceutical conglomerate frame your experience.

I have become fascinated by the relevance and insight gained from planetary cycles in my own life and in the lives of my friends and clients. 

In my work, I am concerned with predictive astrology (which is what has become known as "horoscopes" and looks only to your sun sign (the sun is just one of the plants to gain insight from on your chart). I look for insights on the patterns of your psychology, your life direction, your strengths and your health. Try me, you might be pleasantly surprise the insight I can bring to your life.

The other interesting evolution of my work is that I have studying herbalism with 2 different mentors/schools and have naturally begun making my own medicines and prescribing plant medicine to clients and friends.

This week I had a breakthrough... I can do even more of what I love and speak about my findings and my work even more openly and freely. I am turning my coaching work inside out... from the inside out, and now, referring to it as Medical Astrology.

I haven't forgotten about the freebie I promised you... it just required a little more cooking time and I'll have it you later this week.

In the meantime, now that we're getting comfy in the new moon energy, are you ready to charge forward with steadiness and support? 

Let's get you out of confusion, eliminate your inner critic and gain an authentic, deeper understanding of yourself?
Let's take a look at your birth chart in terms of your health. 
Let's deepen your connection with yourself and your desires. 
Let's learn what herbs we need to strengthen our body and mind.
Let's explore your soul desires and where you are in relation to these... progressing? pushing? procrastingating? 

I offer a new perspective and solution-based approach to holistic health that combines herbal medicine with a psychological and spiritual approach to astrology.

With the energy of the new moon in Taurus today, it's the optimum time to for a fresh start on your health and your soul's blueprint. I'd love to work with you to resolve trauma, eliminate anxiety and unhappiness and navigate chaos in your life. You can book your session here, I'd love to work with you. 

To supporting you,

P.S For all the professionals with busy work weeks... I work Saturdays. :) Book your session here. :)

Alchemise subconscious limitations to your health and happiness with a Medical Astrology session with Heidi.  Join Heidi for a Medical Astrology Session from the inside out and for daily offerings on instagram. 
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