Subject: New Path 🧭 + New Moon 🌙

Happy September Friend!

There's a magical quality to this month—that whisper of new beginnings carried on the first cool breezes of autumn. I love it!

September feels like a second chance at a "new year," but with a more integrated approach. It's as if January - August were about trialing and erroring our intentions, and now, as the leaves begin to turn, it's time for the rubber to hit the road.

Inspiration from the Ultra Trail

This week, Chamonix buzzed with excitement as it hosted one of the world's largest and longest trail-running events the Ultra Marathon Mont Blanc. The energy was palpable, the streets alive with determination and celebration. Watching these athletes push their limits was a powerful reminder of what we're capable of when we set our minds to a goal.

The sight of so many people committed to their personal challenges, supported by a community of cheering fans, was truly inspiring.

Venturing Off the Beaten Path

With the trails brimming with runners all week long, I decided to try something new with the dogs—we ventured off the path and scaled the mountain. The base of these Alpine giants is deceptively steep, it's a tangle of fallen trees and dense forest that feels almost jungle-like in its lushness.

BUT it was a revelation. The dogs chased squirrels and scents with joy, running up, down, and all around until they collapsed happy and panting on the soft moss. I found myself wondering why I hadn't thought of this sooner.

Then it hit me—paths are safe. They're well-trodden, clear of obstacles, and lead to a specific destination. Paths offer certainty, even if the journey is challenging.

In contrast, the dense forest requires us to forge our own way. There's no clear endpoint, and at times, we must pause, reassess, and choose a new direction.

Life Lessons from the Forest

This experience got me thinking about life and the paths we choose. I found myself asking myself:

  1. What paths in my life have I been sticking to out of habit or fear?

  2. What would it look like to venture off these familiar routes?

  3. Do I have the patience to meander, make mistakes, and find new ways forward?

  4. Ultimately, what path do I truly want to be on?

With the Virgo New Moon beaming on Sept 2nd, these questions take on a special significance.

Harnessing the Virgo New Moon

This New Moon offers us a chance to refine our routines and habits, aligning them more closely with the path we want to walk.

Virgo energy is perfect for this kind of introspection and refinement. Known for its:

  • Attention to detail

  • Practicality and groundedness

  • Desire for self-improvement

  • Analytical thinking

  • Connection to health and wellness

New Moon Ritual: Refining Your New Path:

  1. Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed.

  2. Light a candle and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

  3. On a piece of paper, write down your current daily routine.

  4. Next to each item, ask yourself:
    "Does this serve the path I want to be on?"

  5. For items that don't align, brainstorm alternatives that better support your goals.

  6. Create a new daily schedule incorporating these changes.

  7. Commit to following this refined routine for the next lunar cycle (about 28 days).

Remember, like forging a new path through the forest, changing habits takes time and patience. Be kind to yourself as you navigate this new terrain.

Moving Forward

Stepping off the path in order to get on the path you really want, is going to bring up some triggers, doubts and fears. While it's natural to experience a mix of emotions - you could work with your emotions to trust yourself...

New Path is for you if you're

  • Feeling uneasy about the future

  • Experiencing impatience

  • Doubting your skills, decisions, or capabilities

  • Lacking confidence

  • Facing big (unexpected) hurdles (hello, self-sabotage!)

  • Fixating on thoughts from the past

Because New Path helps to:

  • Bridge the gap from old to new

  • Boost confidence to pursue your goals, vision, and desires

  • Enhance trust in your abilities, instincts, and decisions

  • Cultivate greater ease with life's pace

  • Release the need to control outcomes

  • Help you relax into what's unfolding, allowing opportunities to align with your new path

Remember Friend...

You have the strength of those ultra marathon runners within you. You have the curiosity and adaptability of Ted and Rex exploring new heights in the forest. Trust in your ability to forge a new path and create the life you truly desire.

There's one more question left to ask you Friend ~> what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you the courage to venture off the path,


P.S. Say hi on instagram❣️

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