Subject: New Moon 🌙 New Template

Hi Friend,

Remember that truth slap the full moon served two weeks ago? Well, here is the new moon (July 17), offering us a chance to build anew.

During the new moon, as the moon disappears from the sky, it goes into complete darkness. For us, this makes for a beneficial time to go inward. It's not about the illuminating "look at me" or what's being revealed externally; instead, it's the time to take what was revealed to you and figure out how to use it wisely.

Rather than rushing forward, I invite you to take some moments today, tomorrow, and on Tuesday to reconfigure and tailor-design a new template for your life/particular life area. 

It's time for you Friend to become the pioneer of your desires, experiences, expertise, and life.

Using the guidelines below, consider and contemplate what is best and right for you now, here in the 2nd half of 2023.  Not for the you from 2008, or the you in 2015 or the you in 2021 - the NOW you.

Let's now tailor-make your life to who you are and what you want today.

For example, let's say you want to call in a new relationship or a new job. Here's a step-by-step process:

#1 Reflect on what was illuminated to you in the past two weeks - specifically the things you do NOT WANT and does NOT match your needs in the relationship or job.

#2 Take a sheet of paper and title it:

"Infinite spirit, I no longer accept, tolerate, or entertain the following in my life, and I clear all of my energy centers of these in all ways, known and unknown. Thank you for all the help I receive."

#3 List ALL your answers from step #1 below the title.

#4 Take another sheet of paper and title it:

"Infinite spirit, I now accept, welcome, and enjoy the following in my life, and I ask my energy centers to receive these in accordance with my highest good and the highest good of all. Thank you for all the help and gifts I receive."

#5 Now below this title, list the direct opposite of each answer from step #1, along with any additional insights and intentions that what you want. This is YOUR NEW TEMPLATE.

#6 Safely burn the page from step #2. Use a firesafe bowl or do it over the sink, being cautious while doing so.

#7 Now begin to contemplate and imagine - after you manifest the new template - what do you need to enjoy it, love it and stablise it.

Ask for the discipline and integrity to keep it and the wisdom and energy to expand it.

Remember what you focus on expands.

This why we burn the first sheet of paper so that you acknowledge, finalise and clear these energies from your life.

Now - with this new space - we want to fill it intentionally. This is

The second sheet (#5) is now your new template.

Read YOUR NEW TEMPLATE every day until next month's new moon, and I wonder what's the best that could happen! ;)

Let's see what amazing things can unfold for you!

Change is not easy but you can do it.

To help you, the Unique Bespoke Blend Emotion Potion is on SPECIAL OFFER for the month of July.

Why settle for one-size-fits-all when you can have personalized emotional support that understands your unique situation?

What are the steps involved?

  1. Send Heidi a recent photo of you

  2. Answer Heidi’s 5 questions by email or voice note or phone call (up to you)

  3. Within 24-48 hours your bespoke blend with be brewed & posted to you.

  4. Receive 30ml bottle via airmail

  5. Follow-up call with Heidi after 2 weeks.

Here’s how a Custom Blend will grant your wellbeing wishes:

  • Resource Emotional Wellbeing: Heidi, experienced Flower Essence Practitioner, at your service to deeply listen and intuitively tune into your energy, at your service. I’m the Sherlock Holmes to the root causes of your emotional challenges. Once we know the root and the current situation, you can begin to resource yourself emotionally from within.

  • Targeted Support: Your Emotion Potion Bespoke Blend is meticulously crafted to address your specific concerns, be it anxiety, heartbreak-specific-anxiety, exam-study-anxiety, self-doubt, couple’s therapy issues, body issues, need-a-new-home issues, or any other emotional challenges. Plus a 20 minute follow-up call is included.

  • Natural & Clean Ingredients: Unleash the magic of the pristine alpine essence into your life. Each essence is made with Deva Bach Flower Essences (sourced in the Alps), fresh Alpine Spring Water and the cherry on top: your bottle is supercharged with Reiki Energy through Heidi’s crystal 432HZ crystal bowl. Experience the purity and potency of our handcrafted elixir.

Heidi’s Emotion Potions feel like therapy, work like magic!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you high vibes and delightful surprises,


yoga + emotion potions

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