Subject: New Moon,🌙 New Potions!

Hi Friend,

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey of well-being and personal transformation.

My body is still adjusting to the newness of physical loss, navigating the PTSD of sudden change, and the healing required when there's a giant void in your life. Yet, amidst the turmoil, there's a whisper that beckons me to the yoga mat—to simply be present with myself.

I am still the same, still doing the same, but everything is different. It's been a humbling journey to meet my body where she is, to listen, breathe, hold, fall, reach, and release as I am now. And through this process, I've discovered a strength unlike any other—a strength rooted in love, pain, bravery, patience, and inner power.

Without a shadow of doubt, it's been the Emotion Potions (and a consistent yoga practice) that have helped me to rebalance and shift my energy from stuck towards regulation, reorientation and new solutions.

Now, as we approach the New Moon in Taurus, I'm reminded of the fertile ground it offers us to ground ourselves, set practical goals, and enjoy the beauty of life. It's a time of stability, determination, abundance and beauty —an opportunity to align our intentions with the abundant and fertile energy of May.

I'm excited to announce that the next batch of Emotion Potions will be available for pre-order starting tomorrow, these potions will be made-to-order this Tuesday's New Moon in Taurus and airmailed to you wherever you are in the world on Wednesday 8th. 

I invite you to explore the overview of the next batch of Emotion Potions and their intention, helping you navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

Chill = inner calm and relax your mind 

Abundance = enjoy the richness of life 

Courage = bravery to move beyond your fears 

Get Shit Done = productivity and clarity 

New Path = trust yourself as you move in a new direction 

Shield = energetic protection and shock relief 

Higher Love = raise your vibe to attract the best vibes

Unfortunately, my website encountered some unexpected issues today, but rest assured, I'll be sending out links for purchase tomorrow.

Remember, each Emotion Potion is a made-to-order 30ml Bach Flower Essence elixir designed to soothe your energy from stress to solution. 

If you have any questions about an Emotion Potion or need help clarifying which one would be best for you right now, please feel free to reply to this email with any questions.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you stability, abundance and beauty,

yoga + emotion potions

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