Subject: My dad was good at his job 🎄🥰🎄

Hi Friend,

Merry Jule!

This year I have finally and contently found a festive greeting I am sticking with "Merry Jule!"

Over the past decade, I have gone from

-> make sure there is xmas lights everywhere -> to

-> completely rejecting Christmas ( yet enjoying the family celebrations)

to -> finding myself feeling at peace, because as the years develop, I find myself more in sync with pagan traditions and the Celtic calendar.

The spirit of "Merry Jule" brings me to celebrate the winter season festivities - the pine trees, family meals, celebrations and gatherings, brewing delicious drinks, cosy-time, candlelight, honouring reindeers, birds and fish - the slowing down, the staying in - sewing, reading, deep conversations ~ and the taking care of one another.

This Jule-tide, the subject of "science" is talked about more than ever.

My dad was a Scientist and Inventor, his dad was a Scientist and inventor, his dad was a Scientist and Inventor, and his dad was a Scientist and Inventor.. and so on the bloodline goes.

I have an insatiable appetite for knowledge. I will question and investigate and dissect. I will create the thesis and the anti-thesis.

I will live earnestly with my findings - until I am confronted again to question, to drop the entire dissertation - and put my findings into practice again, gaining a more profound reality.

Applying the findings as the principles and values to how I live my life.... until everything comes into question again.

I've been wondering lately how I got this way - this Christmas Eve while everyone was probably watching Christmas movies, I was watching an 8 hour lecture!! I wish I was joking.

When I was a kid, and when I would excitedly come to my dad with my next big idea, my dad would say:

"Heidi, you have to prove this idea wrong - in order for it work".

Well, that didn't sit well with little Heidi!!

Heidi blasts off like a rocket into rage mode.

I wanted to strangle those words and I wanted to cry.

Can you blame me?

For a kid, that's a tricky concept to grasp.

I wanted his approval and his encouragement - just, a simple

"Wow Heidi, go for it!!"

would have nicely sufficed.

Now I see that my approach (I was eight), was not scientific.

As an adult I can see, that my dad was coming from a Scientist's perspective - and from his scientific perspective - he really was encouraging me - he wanted me to prove it - to prove the thesis wrong ~ so that it's proven right.

Well it took a pandemic for me to understand the lesson he was trying to teach me.

My Jule wish is that we all become more scientific ~ asking can I prove this wrong?

When I was a kid, I just wanted to be right and to gooooo full speed ahead!!

I used to tell me dad:

"I don't have time for science!! It's waaay too slow."

But my dad was teaching me that if I review all the current possibilities for error, for correction and reflect on all the new data as well as having methods for obtaining and review new data (omg dad, stop!)

 - that I could create with more precision, more knowledge and most important - it than, becomes wisdom.

In all my proving him wrong ~ and believe me, I tired.

I proved my dad right.

To close, I would like to offer some sweet relief from any social and family anxiety - here is one of my favourites from the archives and top reads on my (old) blog.

Meanwhile, I am joyously republishing my blog on my new site so I can share more of the musings, experiences, teachings and scientific research that consumes my mind and have it all in one place. :)



To quench the relentless pouring of questions ~ you can always deflect. Keep the big mouth talking about themselves. Just keep turning the questions back at them. They'll revel in the glorious attention, overruling the fact that they have no new scoop on you, yet when you cross their mind, they'll be filled with good thoughts... remember, people will forget your name and forget what you said, but they never forget how you make them feel.


When you start spiralling into thinking of how sitting in family situations makes you feel uncomfortable and awkward in their company... what if you were completely liberated of these feelings? See yourself sitting in the situation where you feel comfort, ease, your back is straight and you're laughing. Imagine the new scenario, visualise it, feel it... see what unfolds.


Make a decision to not entertain your own unhappy and heavy thoughts that most likely originate from the past. Let's say you know your dad is going to push your buttons. Play a game with yourself, where you take each interaction as a challenge - you get +2 points for doing something new/different, you get -3 for every time you repeat a brash/defensive/mean/snappy old interaction from the past.

All you have to do, is do something different. Game on.


When I find myself getting caught up in annoyance, irritation, anger ~ I pull my emergency exit handle. I repeat my peace mantra

"Light, release my illusions to love."

Before I know it, with very little physical effort on my part, the situation has dissipated or redirected and I'm having an easy conversation or I'm smiling.

You can input "God" "Love" "Universe" "Jesus" - " ______, release my illusions to love"


Fortunately, this most wonderful time of the year only happens annually. Whatever the engagement may be, from a couple of hours to a few days, know that there is an expiration date, and soon you will get to return to your own personal schedule.


It's ok to say “No”. You've got to take care of number 1 (you) ahead of everyone and everything else. If you don't want to attend the dinner, if you don't want to connect with someone from your past, if you don't want to eat the food on the menu, then stand your ground and be ok with saying “No.” It doesn't mean you’re being anti-social or self destructive, saying “No” is most uncomfortable when you’re asserting new boundaries. Be responsible with your emotions and your choices.


In the case of your party season survival kit, you could bring a scent you love which smells refreshing and uplifting to you... perhaps try lemon or eucalyptus or cedarwood or lavender ...and before the event or anytime during it, dab a couple drops of the essential oil on your wrist, hold your wrists up to nose and take at least 3 long SLOW inhales and exhales.

9. INCREASE SNOOZE TIME, decrease booze time.

Increasing the number of hours you sleep and decreasing your intake of sugar and alcohol are the pillars of stress management, which of course you know, but at this time of year, these deserve an extra-special shout out. Operating on little to no sleep will cause higher sensitivities to people (especially family) and their reactions. Two major inhibitors to deep sleep, taken together, separately and especially before bed, are alcohol and sugar. What if you decided to gift yourself an hour in bed every evening just to snuggle up with yourself? It's the simplest stuff that makes the biggest difference. Snuggle up.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love.

devotion in motion to being you.

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