Subject: ⚡Make your energy sustainable⚡

Hi Friend,

How was your week? Did you become more aware of any energy leaks in your life? Even if a change isn't possible right now, awareness and understanding that it's there is all good for now.

So let's shift the focus to taking back control and recharging our power and strenght (our energy).

  1. Focus on What You Can Control

There are things in life beyond our control. There are things in life that are in our control.

To reclaim YOUR power, shift your focus to what you can control – yourself. Your thoughts, your actions, your responses, your activities are all within your grasp - and they all contribute to your energy and your experience of life. Concentrating on these areas isn't selfish. It allows you to regain a sense of authority over your life. And then, you will have more energy to give in the solutions and care that provide the most impact.

No amount of suffering we do, helps another to not suffer. We have to nourish our existence so we can be powerful, empowered and energised; so that we SUSTAINABLY show up with more power and more strength and more solutions. If our garden is healthy, our harvest can nourish and provide for others. There's nothing progressive, sustainable or enriching about a depleted garden.

Building ourselves up through focusing on what we can control to the best of our ability will give us the resilience and capability to nourish through adversity and help as many people as we can along the way.

2. Release "Not having"

Dwelling on what's not there and what you don't have depletes energy.

Instead, focus on what you do have. Practicing gratitude is a powerful tool for boosting your energy. Recognizing and appreciating the abundance in your life can create a positive and energizing mindset.

An easy way to do this is to go outside and pick a colour. Then start counting all the different shades of this particular colour that you see - every time you see a new colour - acknowledge it, count it and say "thank you!" You'll instantly start to generate good feelings.

3. Step into the Present Moment

Living in the past or constantly worrying about the future robs us of vitality.

Realize that the present moment is where all creation and life's opportunities exist. This shift towards present-moment living can infuse your life with newfound energy. (Emotion Potions are a great help for this - exciting updates coming next week!!)

Recharge your energy with kindness, creativity, connection and joy. Relating with people in our life and doing activities that cultivate these will make your power and your strength more sustainable.

Your energy is valuable, and where and how you invest it matters most - because in the long term, we want to start getting the highest returns on our energy!!

Stay tuned for our next discussion, where we'll delve deeper into how to amplify your energy and manifest the life you desire.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you power and strength,


yoga + emotion potions

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