Subject: Lighten Your Load 😅

Hi Friend,

So with a daunting path up ahead, an over-active mind and a tense body from the pressure of the weight of decisions, commitments, desires, itineraries, responsibilities, tasks, etc., - life could feel like A LOT right now. 

Firstly, as the trailblazing fireball that you are - you are going to face obstacles that seem insurmountable at times, and it's okay to acknowledge that. 

You see, the challenges aren't going to become less frequent, you're just going to become more skilled at adapting, strengthening and succeeding through the challenges.

September can be one of those times where we easily feel overwhelmed, unsure of our decisions, and very tense.

On the surface, the darkness and uncertain path seem like the problem. But it’s not the direction you are going or even the path, it’s all that unresolved, unfinished, not-forgiven sh*t that you’re carrying with you. 

So today you have two options: 

  1. Keep going with the heavy weight on your shoulders, maybe fall a few times, hoping to keep getting back up and plan to deal with everything when you finally get there - because when you finally get there, you will have time. Right?? Even though, in reality you’ll be physically weaker and the bag will be heavier.

  2. What would happen if we took off the bag now? We don't have to unpack the bag, remove anything from the bag or deal with anything. All we have to do, is just for today, decide to take the bag off. If we don't like the lightness, we can put the bag back on tomorrow.

When we take off the bag - everything is still the same, it’s just we feel lighter. All the stuff is still with us - it's just at our feet. This is important because this heavy stuff we're carrying has helped us to feel safe.

Pain can feel safe when pain is familiar.

Our feelings are wired as comfort systems - registered as safety - so our feelings would rather keep us in pain, rather than expose us to something unfamiliar, even if it the new is net positive for our lives. 

Now with the bag off - pause for a moment. 

Put your right hand on your heart,

And your left on your belly and breath in deeply for 4 counts and exhale slowly for 4 counts. 

Now imagine this Friend as you ook out to the bright clearing up ahead -

You are waking up in the morning smiling, relaxed with a sense of purpose, knowing that your day is crafted around activities and work that you find fulfilling.

See yourself feeling calm and centered, see yourself navigate life’s chaos with grace and confidence.

You are doing tasks that play to your strengths and that challenge you just enough that you are enjoying achieving them.

You're surrounded by people that encourage you.

You are making decisions based on your values. Picture yourself making those big decisions with clarity and courage, no longer burdened by fear of the unknown. Your heart is filled with joy and anticipation as you embark on new adventures and create lasting memories.

For today, simply enjoy imagining the vision so clearly that you have tingles and rushes of joy fluttering through your body.

I’ll be back tomorrow Friend to talk about what we can do with that heavy bag.  

Until tomorrow! ENVISION BIG! 

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you big juicy visions,


yoga + emotion potions

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