Subject: Level Up 🆙 from the Inside Out 😻

Hi Friend,

Life isn't a one-size-fits-all journey.

We all face unique life challenges and even a healthy, happy life is not going to be without challenges.

Overcoming challenges and burdens is how we learn, grow and evolve our consciousness, heart and soul here on this orbiting giant rock.

What if challenges are stepping stones to the life you desire?

What if resolving the emotional baggage from the past is the key to unlocking your most fulfilling, feel-good future?

Flower Essences - what Emotion Potions are made of - seek to resolve the root causes of our emotional struggles.

In today's fast-paced world, it's no surprise that we often find ourselves caught in the midst of stress, anxiety, and emotional turbulence.

Emotion Potions were born in Duved, Northern Sweden, as part of my yoga and manifestation workshop series, "Superbloom." Flower essences, which form the foundation of Emotion Potions, were not readily available in Sweden, so I took it upon myself to create my own.

Drawing from my extensive studies in Herbalism and Intuitive Plant Essence, I crafted a 100% natural and powerful remedy to help reduce stress, dissolve energetic blockages, and empower you to make the best decisions for your life.

Here's 8 potent ways Emotion Potions can empower you to level up from the inside out:

#1 Address the Root Causes:

Unlike a biochemical effect on the body, Emotion Potions work on the invisible emotional and energetic body. By working from the inside out, they provide a transformative experience that creates lasting change.

#2 Tailored to Your Needs:

Your emotional journey is unique, and Emotion Potions honor that. Our range of elixirs offers targeted solutions for a wide range of emotional states, allowing you to find the potion that resonates with your specific needs and aspirations.

#3 Practical + Effective

Sweetened with Organic Maple Syrup and offered in an convenient, modern spray bottle; taking an Emotion Potion is kinda like putting on an invisible superhero cloak - all you have to do is spray and continue with your day.

#4 100% Natural & Organic

No gluten. Vegan. No synthetic chemicals. No preservatives.
🌻🌲Handcrafted Flower Essences &

🏔️🌊Fresh Alpine Spring Water

= A green, clean elixir.

#5 Ancient Tradition

Earliest European record of therapeutic essences by Abbess von Bingen in the 12th Century. Flower Essences were then scientifcally proven and commercially produced in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach.

#6 Small-Batch

From my soul to yours, I formulate and hand-pour small-batch, biodynamic elixirs in the French Alps & Northern Sweden.

#7 Trauma-informed

The premise of Emotion Potions is to become aware of the origin experiences of your emotional pain and it's effects in your life. Emotion Potions are here to help you support your emotions, not suppress them.

#8 Unleash Your Happiness:

Imagine a life where stress, anxiety and fear no longer hold you back, and you can navigate challenges with ease and confidence.

Emotion Potions empower you to take charge of your life, make aligned decisions, and walk the path of self-mastery

Remember, your emotional well-being is an essential component of your overall happiness and fulfillment.

So what are you waiting for? Try an Emotion Potion today and level up your life from the inside out!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,


yoga + emotion potions

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