Here's 3 ways to help you enjoy the act of "Leave me Peaceful" this festive season:
a. Take 10 deep breaths before you get out of bed in the morning.
b. Schedule a bath or foot bath for yourself instead of that dinner in town (that you know would deplete you).
c. Schedule an online yoga class during the festive season to enjoy being in your body at home.
d. Leave your phone in the kitchen and only books in bed over the festive season.
e. Light candles from 7pm onwards, enjoy the darkness and see where the inspiration leads you.
The sanctuary of space is boundaries.
2. Boundaries: having boundaries means being responsible for your actions
- & not taking responsibility for anyone else's.
It's ok to say NO at this time of year and it can be beneficial to have some "no thank you" statements prepared.
a. Thank you for inviting me. I cannot attend on ____ as I have already attended __ social events this week and I've hit my limit. Please feel free to invite me on another occasion. I hope you have a wonderful time.
B. I'm prioritising rest for the rest of week/month, so unfortunately, I won't be able to make it. Thank you for thinking of me.
Or I'm working with a Holistic Wellbeing Coach, so I'm prioritising rest for the rest of week/month, so unfortunately, I won't be able to make it. Thank you for thinking of me.
(I know from my clients who are struggling with outlining boundaries, it can be helpful to affirm the boundary as a requirement that's out of their hands).
Speak your truth.
3.You don't need to lie or tell fibs or make up excuses.
All lies will come back to bite you - karma applies to lying too.
I have found the best way to stop making up excuses - is get super clear on my needs and wants.
If I know I have plans early in the morning - then I will communicate it.
"I can't attend, I have other made other commitments".
The people who want to build a lasting relationship and who are also deepening their own relationship to themselves, will respect you even more for speaking opening and honestly about prioritising downtime or saying no.
In fact, you'll inspire them to do the same!
I wish you a wonderful weekend filled with your wants and needs!